10 innovative technologies in healthcare

Bob Vance
Virus Engine
Published in
6 min readSep 14, 2017

The period we live in right now is called the Information Age, a prosperous time in human history. Our everyday activities are simplified thanks to the Digital Revolution. During the Information Age, our society has transformed into a knowledge-based society and this reflects how efficient our economy has become. Technology can be a huge boost to healthcare; a field that has been traditionally thought to have not to be associated with technology can actually be impacted by technology the most. “Healthcare is yet to be transformed by technology” said American businessman Joshua Kushner. In this article I will be presenting the 10 most innovative technology in healthcare.


Healthcare Education

Supply issues for those who are trying to pursue a health science career is frequent and common. Most countries are behind in providing enough doctors to meet the current health needs, for example United States needs 96,000. This is where technology is the game-changer for healthcare education. There are many 3D training tools now available such as Project Esper and EchoPixel which creates a simulation which allows the student to get a better experience of the surgical environment compared to 2D training tools.


Patient Access

Healthcare facilities are still dependent on communicating on paper with patients. More than 90% of hospitals say they are unable to trade records entirely digitally and only 54% of faxed referrals end up being serving its purpose while the other 46% happen to get lost in fax chaos, unable to be properly authorized, missing information and took to long to contact the patient.

The importance of patient access can’t be described in words; it’s critical both for the patient and the healthcare facility. The good news is that there are is a platform that assists patients with choosing the highest quality clinician community. It’s called SmartMatch Technology from referralMD and this has the potential to save many lives as well as establish a better connection between healthcare facilities and patients.



Monitoring your health is a challenge for all of us and most of are insusceptible to million types of sickness. We fall into the pit of a sickness without even realizing it and during that time you will most likely research the symptoms and then you’ll most likely find a solution. However, it’s too late. Now you’re probably taking some medication for that sickness that you wouldn’t have if you were able to detect the symptoms right away. Thankfully there is a device that can diagnose health conditions right on the palm of your hand and it was made last year by Dynamical Biomakers Group and Final Frontier Devices.



Pacemakers are a device used to help control abnormal heartbeats. It does this by sending electrical pulses at a normal rate so that the heart can beat at a normal rate. The only problem with this is the chances of infection and other side effects. However, companies like Medtronic and St. Jude Medical have created versions called Micra (Medtronic) and Nanostim (St. Jude) that reduce potential risks for pacemakers such as infection.


3D Printed Drugs

3D printing has been around for quite a while. Recently, 3D printing has expanded into the healthcare industry, creating prosthetic and dental implants. 3D printing is transitioning now into personalized health use such as 3D printed drugs. Three other ways 3D printing could change the pharmaceutical world forever are personalizing drug dosing, creating unique dosage forms to suit the patient, and creating more complex drug profiles.



A new anti-aging treatment option maybe in our future in which blood can be the factor that will help with the treatment. Companies are trying to identify key proteins in blood that help them to revive and using that protein, they will manufacture a product. They are currently developing trials for mices first to see if brain function is boosted and then they will transition into human trials. If all goes well this could be out in the market.


Internet of Things

The internet of things has had its’ popularity and now it’s making its’ way to healthcare. This is a huge advancement because now healthcare facilities can do a wide variety of things such as using IoT for real-time location services with badges that track patients, staff and medical devices, and environmental monitoring such as regulating temperatures and hygiene.


Cognitive Computers

Most healthcare facilities are drowned by work and their workload continues to increase with the amount and quality of their resources still the same. IBM Watson has recently invented a computer that process 500 gigabytes per second and will have many yottabytes (1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 bytes). Five ways this can help in the future is allow information gathering and sharing, analyze and evaluate data and provide insights, sift through trials for patients, see more and deliver data to route the patient towards better health and take measures to prevent unnecessary utilization of preventive care.


Synthetic Hormones for Heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America and around 1 in 4 people who are hospitalized for heart failure don’t last much longer than a year. However, a new drug called Serelaxin has increased the odds of survival by 37 percent, according to a University of California, San Francisco study. The problem is that this drug is yet to be approved by FDA.


Heart in a Box

Heart transplantation has improved substantially over the years and has become the number one choice for people with severe heart problems and failure. Unfortunately, the number of heart donors have decreased and the number of potential recipients have increased. Only 10% of candidates for transplantation receive a heart transplantation. Surgeons in the United States have preserved organs in a cold solution and transported in coolers to the patient in need this process however can cause damage to the heart and make it unusable. There is a solution to this problem, a new process called warm perfusion tackles it and can keep the heart beating and increase longevity.

In conclusion, with technology revolutionizing almost every field, it’s only matter of time the technologies listed above will be something you see at hospitals and elsewhere. Technology is a beautiful thing that will be cherished in this age

To Read More : https://clinalleve.mn.co

