5 New Ways to Differentiate Yourself from Other Pharmacists

A list of unique ways to win in pharmacy

Roger Ma, PharmD
Virus Engine
3 min readJul 31, 2017


Image Source: Waneducation

As the industry becomes saturated with new graduates, it’ll be increasingly difficult to stand out as a pharmacist. If you can’t differentiate yourself, you won’t get promoted or hired. You’ll just be another pharmacist. There are plenty of articles that’ll teach you general ways to stand out, but I will suggest you 5 more ways to be unique in the pharmacy world.

1. Show a clear desire to accomplish greater things.

Most of your peers are satisfied with just getting a job, let alone advancing in the current climate of pharmacy. This means your drive to advance and take on more responsibilities is noteworthy already. Show your thirst for accomplishing greater things and your manager will notice. Clearly voice your intentions to advance and don’t be shy. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.

2. Learn to troubleshoot the computer system.

We all work with computers in the pharmacy. If you’re a computer guru, you’re an asset. Familiarize yourself with the most common issues staff face with the programs and learn how to solve them. Create a troubleshooting manual for the pharmacy and brand yourself as the tech guy. Your team, including your manager, will become reliant on you for technical issues. Thus, you will stand out as a problem solver and a tech expert in your pharmacy.

3. Adopt expanded scope of practices immediately.

As our scope expands, it pays to be the first to adopt it and use it to it’s full potential. Imagine prescribing minor ailment medications on the first day that you’re allowed to. What message does that send to your manager? You’ve just demonstrated that you’re up-to-date with your profession, unafraid to embrace your scope of practice, and able to lead the team into unexplored territories.

4. Voice your opinions and take action.

Taking action is key. Opinions are being shared enough in the pharmacy world. Several pharmacists have told me that “all pharmacists do is whine”. They are right. Pharmacists readily share how unhappy they are with tweets or Facebook posts, and yet they rarely take tangible action. Without the effort to solve an issue, you’re merely whining. You will stand-out as an active problem solver if you put your money where your mouth is.

5. Share your network and opportunities with others.

Pharmacists are getting desperate and keeping every opportunity to themselves. There is no altruism in pharmacy anymore. Show generosity by putting in real effort in helping others advance their careers. In these tough times, a simple recommendation can mean a lot to your peers. These favors will eventually translate to opportunities for you as well. The beauty of sharing your own network and opportunities is that it also expands your own horizons. Eventually, your popularity and vast connections will catch the eye of your manager.

There you have it — 5 simple ways to stand out in pharmacy. If there’s one point that matters most, it’s point #4. Be vocal and take action. By giving even a small effort, you’ve separated yourself from most of the pack. Take it a step further and you’ve successfully stood out as a leader.

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Roger Ma, PharmD
Virus Engine

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