New in v3.0 — Patient Photos!

Always greet your patients by name!

Madison Youngquist
Blueprint buzz
2 min readJul 25, 2018


The rollout of version 3.0 is now underway, and we will be scheduling the upgrade for your clinic in the coming weeks.

Easy Photo Uploading from Mobile Device, Webcam, or File

Blueprint OMS can be configured for automatic (and wireless!) transfer of photos from a mobile device.

It’s also easy to take photos using an attached webcam, or upload a file from the computer or use

For help uploading patient photos, please contact our support team.

Convenient Access to Photos Throughout Blueprint OMS

Users will see patient photos in the following places:

  • Patient browser
  • Patient summary screen
  • Appointment details view
  • Patient arrival notifications

Patient Browser

A view of the patient browser when a patient is highlighted.

Patient File

Patient photos will be shown on each patient summary screen.

Appointment Detail

Patient photos will also be shown when viewing an appointment on the ‘scheduling tab’.

Arrival Notification

When a patient is checked into the clinic, the arrival notification sent to the provider will show the patient photo.

