A Day in the Life: Libba Coker

Get to know Libba, one of our Customer Care Team Members in Charlotte.

The Clothesline
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2019


How long have you been part of the Customer Care Team?

1 year!

What was the interview process like?

Rigorous — phone interview, followed by 2 in-person interviews, then finally, a written portion. All for what was initially a part-time position!

What is a typical day for you?

I usually get in at 8, respond to customers who have written in overnight, schedule pickups for them and handle any issues that may have come up. I then respond to feedback, clean up any customer accounts so that our computer system is organized when we communicate with customers. Sometimes we have meetings to discuss promotions which may have just launched or to talk about the company in general so that everyone is on the same page. Mostly though, I get to do what I love all day!

What do you enjoy most about being a Customer Care Team Member?

I love solving problems! I also like to comfort people when they’re upset. I get to do both of those things in this position. I feel like I get to make a difference within the company every day. A big reason our company exists is to give free time back to people so they have more time in their lives for the important things. Also to help people do laundry who aren’t otherwise physically capable. So for me, assisting with this mission and positively affecting someone’s day is beyond rewarding.

If someone were looking to join the Customer Care Team, why (or how!) would you recommend it?

I would recommend it because every day is something completely different, so it’s definitely a job that will always keep you on your toes! With 2U growing so quickly, it is an exciting environment that constantly changes. There are several different tasks at hand, from detective work to working one-on-one with customers. There is always something new to learn, so it is never boring! The team I work with is incredible, and we are most certainly a (dysfunctional) family.

What do you love about working at 2ULaundry?

I LOVE the people I work with and the environment. This company absolutely values its employees and they treat us like gold. I look forward to coming here every day and miss my co-workers when I leave. Working for a startup is so much fun and is truly exciting. I am grateful I was given this opportunity and can’t wait to see what the future has in store for both me and for 2ULaundry!



The Clothesline

Laundry and Dry Cleaning, Delivered. #TimeIsDelicate