Photo provided by @hellyeahglutenfree

Customer Spotlight: Alejandra Luaces (a.k.a. hell yeah! gluten free)

Ex-Mailchimp software engineer. Gluten-free baker extraordinaire. Time-saver.

The Clothesline
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2019


If there’s anything you come to value while working at a startup, it’s the #hustle that comes with just about every moment of trying to start a business. For Alejandra Luaces, leaving the comfort of Mailchimp’s engineering team to open her very own bakery, Hell Yeah! Gluten Free, has proven to be quite the endeavor. With a successful $30k raise on Kickstarter, lines that go *literally* around the block, and a cult-following of gluten-free pastry lovers, Luaces is racing to open her brick and mortar space on Dekalb Ave. When 2ULaundry got a shout-out on Instagram from the @hellyeahglutenfree account about our time-saving service, we just had to learn more.

What was life before becoming HYGF?

Life was pretty solid as a software engineer, but I always had a sense something was missing. I wanted to connect with the people I was building things for.

Running a business while it’s in the startup stage is actual insanity at times, what’s some of the best advice you’ve received?

The best advice I’ve received is to do what you need to maintain sanity. That’s one of the reasons why we do 2ULaundry! I’ve been told not to be ashamed of enlisting help during these super stressful times.

As a full-time businesswoman and baker nonetheless, free time has to be few and far in between. Whenever you get a bit of free time, how do you like to spend it?

Whenever I get a bit of time, I like to spend it playing video games, cuddling with my dog & cat, or going to dinner with my lovely husband. Anything low-key and relaxed.

What’s your ultimate goal with Hell Yeah! Gluten Free?

My ultimate goal with Hell Yeah is to give back to the community. We have some cool ideas up our sleeve with regards to social programs and ways we can really impact the Atlanta we know and love. ❤

What have you been able to do because you’re not spending time doing laundry?

Just zone out–totally necessary for us. It’s not really about the time, but more the stress–We don’t get into arguments anymore about baskets of clean, but crumpled, laundry all over the house. It’s been so lovely to just be able to shove all the folded things into our drawers and just be able to get on with our day. The mental health benefits are invaluable.

Alejandra in her soon-to-be Hell Yeah! Gluten Free space on 900 Dekalb Ave.

Want to hear more from 2ULaundry customers like Alejandra? Each month we’ll be interviewing a 2ULaundry customer or team member about how they save time. Got a funny story or anecdote of how 2ULaundry has changed your life for the better? Hit us up at with the subject line, “Customer Spotlight: Me”, and we’ll be in touch!



The Clothesline

Laundry and Dry Cleaning, Delivered. #TimeIsDelicate