Four Ways to Give Your Valentine the Best Gift of All: Time

Free time > heart-shaped boxes of chocolates from the grocery store.

The Clothesline
Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2019


by Julia Pelly

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, you might be scrambling to figure out what to get for your special someone. While you can never go wrong with chocolate and flowers, this Valentine’s Day consider giving your partner something more precious than gold: time. It might not be possible to add more hours to the clock, but it is possible to add more hours to your loved one’s day so that they can enjoy more time with friends and family or relaxing by themselves. Check out the ways below that you can give your special someone more time to enjoy life this Valentine’s Day!

Schedule relaxation

If your partner is always on-the-go and can never find time to relax, consider scheduling relaxation into their life for them. Whether you book them a day at the spa, an hour-long massage, or an afternoon on the golf course, taking the planning out of their hands can make the experience all the more enjoyable. When you plan your loved one’s special day, it shows them how much you value their time and how much you want them to enjoy it!

Hire a babysitter

If you’ve got young kids, chances are you’re not getting out much. Not only are babysitters often expensive and difficult to secure, but the planning it takes to get a date night on the calendar often requires more energy than parents of young kids have. This Valentine’s Day, book a sitter for an evening (or a few evenings!) and let your partner know that what they do with the time is totally up to them!

Take tasks off their to-do list

While getting your partner chore-related gifts is usually a no-no (don’t even think of gifting them a new cleaning appliance), getting your special someone the gift of someone else doing their chores is a huge win. When you take tasks like laundry, meal prep, or cleaning off of your partner’s to-do list, you give them back precious hours that they can spend reading, exercising, or laughing with friends and family.

Let them rest

As a parent of young kids, the only thing better then spending an evening out with friends is getting the chance to sleep in the next morning. This Valentine’s Day, all you have to do to give your partner the gift of rest-time is commit to waking up with the kids and letting them sleep in past the time their alarm usually rings.

With the right gift, you can show your partner just how much you love them and value their time. This year, instead of–or in addition too–scouring stores for the perfect gift, give your partner the gift of time to spend exactly how they want!



The Clothesline

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