Artwork by Trent Reese

Get Rid of Wrinkles by Ironing Like an Adult

The Clothesline


Becoming an adult means a lot of awesome things: the freedom to come and go as you please, the ability to take care of yourself, and the freedom to shape your life however you see fit. However, becoming an adult also means some less-than-awesome things too. You’ve got bills to pay, work to do, and a seemingly endless amount of laundry to get done. It also means that in addition to washing, drying and folding your clothes, you may have to iron them too *sigh*.

If you missed “Ironing 101” when you were growing up and now you're stuck as a grown adult without the knowledge necessary to iron your clothes, we’ve got your back. Check out the tips below for how to properly iron your clothes so you can look like the wrinkle-free adult you were born to be.

  • To start, make sure that you’ve washed and dried your clothing properly before you even get out the iron. To best care for your clothing, follow cleaning instructions on the tag. Stay away from ironing dirty clothes as the heat from the iron can set stains deeper into clothing, making it nearly impossible to get them out.
  • Begin the ironing process by ensuring that you’re using the correct temperature setting on the iron. To check what temperature setting you should be using, check the tag of your clothing item.

An iron with one dot means you should use the lowest temperature setting, two dots means you should use the medium setting, and three dots means you should use the highest setting.

  • Begin ironing by flipping your clothing inside-out. You’ll want to iron from the inside-out to prevent any accidental damage to the outside of your clothing as well as to protect any texture the item might have.

Often times it’s best to iron clothing when it’s still slightly damp. You can use the mister on your iron to achieve this dampness if your clothing is already fully dry.

  • When you iron, iron your item from top to bottom as opposed to side to side. Ironing lengthwise can prevent sideways stretching. Press firmly, but not too hard, and move the iron at a slow and steady pace until you’ve achieved the wrinkle-free look you’re going for.

Once you’ve checked to make sure your item of clothing is wrinkle-free, hang it straight away to ensure that it stays wrinkle-free until you wear it. By following these simple guidelines you’ll be dressing in wrinkle-free clothing like a grown-up every single day. Happy ironing friends!



The Clothesline

Laundry and Dry Cleaning, Delivered. #TimeIsDelicate