Artwork by Trent Reese

Meet Our 2020 Timekeepers

Yup, these 3 lucky winners just landed a free year of 2ULaundry.

Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2020


At the end of last year, we launched a contest to give away an entire year of free laundry & dry cleaning (and more free time!), in exchange for letting us follow along with their experience. We received dozens of awesome applications and the team enjoyed reviewing the audition videos and pouring through the reasons why we all hate laundry.

Hailing from two of the cities we call home, we’d love to introduce you to our 2020 Timekeepers.

Justin Kelsey

Charlotte, NC

Justin pictured alongside his girlfriend. Not pictured: his sweet pup Bella Rose.

What do you do?

I work in Digital Strategy in Bank of America, as well as own my own creative agency (@vaxadigital), drone company (@dronemultimedia), and teach a few online courses.

How do you plan to spend your free time?

First and foremost, when you run your own company (shout-out to the founders of 2ULaundry!), you know that every minute has a dollar value associated with it. That said, I’d spend more time creating content and growing my new video production agency, as there’s ALWAYS something I can be doing. I also want to get back into writing and vlogging, so never having to stress about laundry would be huge.

Check out Justin’s audition here and keep up with him on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube!

Candace Cottet

Atlanta, GA

Candace and her husband (left) with two daughters, Reegan (top left) and Julia (top right).

What do you do?

I work full-time as a Social Media Manager! I also have a mommy blog called Me & Reegs.

How do you plan to spend your free time?

We would use them toward DIY projects around the house, adventures, maybe a date night since the laundry is done?!

Check out Candace’s audition here and keep up with the Cottets on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube!

Julianne Malone

Charlotte, NC

Julianne (second from left) with her husband Matt (second from right) and two foster kids Ashley (left) and Alex (right).

What do you do?

I work at Fidelity Investments in Charlotte, NC!

How do you plan to spend your free time?

We would love the chance to spend more time together as a family, preferably being active outdoors on the lake! Not having to fold laundry during our family movie night on Fridays and actually be present would be great. We want to work on being intentional during our time with our kids, making meals together instead of ordering in or going out, playing games as a family, spending time focused on being healthy, and the list goes on!

Check out Julianne’s audition here and keep up with the Malones on Facebook and Instagram!

Our 2020 Timekeepers will keep us updated every month with stories and fun content showing life without laundry & dry cleaning. Follow along with 2U and the 2020 Timekeepers through 2020 here on The Clothesline, as well as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube! #TimeisDelicate



The Clothesline

Laundry and Dry Cleaning, Delivered. #TimeIsDelicate