Meet the 2U Summer ’19 Interns!

Introducing the three bright bulbs that joined our team for the summer of 2019.

The Clothesline
4 min readJul 1, 2019


For two months, we were given the opportunity to add a few new faces to the office and foster budding interests in entrepreneurship, growth analytics, and direct-to-consumer marketing. We sat down with Anila, Donovan, and Gabriel to learn more about their backgrounds, a few fun facts about themselves, and something unexpected that they’ve learned during their time at 2ULaundry.

Anila Alam

Hometown: Suwanee, GA
College: University of Georgia (Rising Junior)

Which team at 2ULaundry are you working with this summer?

The Marketing Team!

How did you come across 2ULaundry?

I found 2ULaundry in an “Atlanta Women’s Marketing & Communication” Facebook Group job posting.

Name one goal you have for your summer internship.

My main goal is to grow professionally and learn as much as I can from this dynamic start-up environment.

Who are some of your role models in life?

My dad! No matter how he’s feeling he always has a smile on his face and lifts everyone up around him. Funniest guy I know #dadjokesFTW. Since I was 8, my celebrity role model has been Oprah! She’s overcome so much adversity and built an amazing life for herself and the people around her. I dressed up as her in 8th grade for a “role models” project.

If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

That’s too hard… I’m gonna cheat and say Zyka, it’s an Indo-Pakistani restaurant in Decatur that has my heart! You can literally order anything on their menu and you won’t be disappointed.

Name something unexpectedly interesting that you’ve learned in your time working at 2ULaundry.

Something unexpectedly interesting I’ve learned during my time at 2U was seeing how relaxed the company was, while still being able to get stuff done. Everyone’s on that same wave and it’s an awesome environment I’m lucky to be in. I’m glad I ended up interning here because I learned how important company culture is to me, and that you don’t have to be miserable going to work every day — you can be happy and still make that coin.

Donovan Martin

Hometown: McDonough, GA
College: Wake Forest University (Rising Senior)

Which team at 2ULaundry are you working with this summer?

The team with all the swag… #Marketing Team.

How did you come across 2ULaundry?

CEO and co-founder Alex is a Wake Forest alum and the company had an internship posting for 2ULaundry in our Center for Entrepreneurship. I got to hear him speak at a seminar and was really blown away his story.

Name one goal you have for your summer internship.

I want to build out my projects in ways that are actually useful to the company in the long-run.

Who are some of your role models in life?

Marques Brownlee (Tech Youtuber), my parents, and Batman (the Christain Bale version).

If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

Bad Daddy’s Burgers in Winston-Salem, but I think it’s a franchise local to North Carolina.

Name something unexpectedly interesting that you’ve learned in your time working at 2ULaundry.

The environment is fast-paced and team-centric creating a specific brand of organized chaos for day to day operations. I have also learned a lot about team dynamics and how everyone gets a chance to take the lead on their own projects.

Gabriel Benzecry

Hometown: Manaus, Brazil
College: Wake Forest University (Rising Senior)

Which team at 2ULaundry are you working with this summer?

I am part of the Customer Care Team.

How did you come across 2ULaundry?

I was researching about startups that were connected to Wake Forest and then I found 2ULaundry.

Name one goal you have for your summer internship.

Understand the dynamic of a successful and prosperous startup and gain an understanding of the ticket resolution process.

Who are some of your role models in life?

My great-grandfather. I never got to meet him, but he was a great role model for my entrepreneurial adventures.

If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

A medium-well 8-ounce ribeye steak. Like every single Brazilian, I love a good steak.

Name something unexpectedly interesting that you’ve learned in your time working at 2ULaundry.

I was just talking about this with some members of the CCT. We are creating “The Ticket Playbook”, and we were facing a huge dilemma: to describe damaged items that can’t be fixed, which word should we use “unrepairable” or “irreparable”? We were going back and forth on this, but we found out that both words were correct. Another exciting thing that I learned was the CCT procedure in general. Every time I had an experience with customer care, I was on the client-side complaining, and now I can see the company’s side and understand the internal procedure to support the client. It’s super interesting.



The Clothesline

Laundry and Dry Cleaning, Delivered. #TimeIsDelicate