The Wedding (Guest) Guide

We take the *guest* work out of being the most prepared wedding guest.

The Clothesline
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2019


by Julia Pelly

While spring and summer mean shorts, t-shirts, and outdoor activities for some, for others it means they’ll be trading in their casual clothes and relaxed weekends for formal wear and the cha-cha slide. Wedding season can be both joyous and exhausting, but one thing it doesn’t have to be is difficult on your wardrobe. If you’ve sent in your RSVPs for a few weddings in the coming months, check out these quick tips for successfully preparing for wedding season.

Pack smart.

A jam-packed wedding season can make you feel like maybe you should’ve made fewer friends in college. Two on the same day? Back-to-back weekends? Combat a busy calendar with one master packing list to use event after event. Typically, you’ll need an outfit for the night before the wedding, an outfit for the wedding day, miscellaneous clothes to travel in, and all your regular basics. Instead of overpacking, choose what you’ll wear carefully and do your best to get multiple wears out of bulkier items like shoes.

Assemble a ‘Wedding Kit’.

While packing smart can help prevent tons of last-minute snafus, having a handy dandy kit will help you feel confident and comfortable no matter what little inconvenience may arise. Consider all the things that might need at the last minute and pack a small bag containing mini-versions of each item. Most helpful day-of kits include extra hair-ties and bobby pins, safety pins, hairspray, a stain remover pen, tissues, and travel-size deodorant.

Handle stains like a pro.

Nothing ruins your perfect wedding outfit (or day for that matter) like a stain. Regardless of the size and type, stains have a way of digging a hole in your subconscious and hanging a cloud over your day. If something stains your outfit just before or during the big event, the good ole fashioned blotting method with cold water or club soda is your best friend. If you have a stain that requires a little bit more guidance, check out our comprehensive Stain Guide.

Don’t let wrinkles ruin your fun.

Sometimes, no matter how well you pack and how carefully you travel, you arrive at your destination with wrinkled clothes. At times like this you’ll be grateful to have a portable steamer. A travel steamer allows you to destroy wrinkles in your clothes on the go, even when you only have a few minutes to get ready.

Clean and store your wedding attire properly.

While it can be tempting to toss your clothes into a pile of champagne-stained fun before falling into bed after a long night of dancing, take care with your wedding attire to ensure you’re able to wear it again and again. After attending a wedding, have your clothing cleaned properly (our Black Bag is perfect for throwing clothes that need to be dry cleaned) and then store it hanging somewhere clean and dry.

This wedding season, don’t let wardrobe trouble impede on your fun. Follow the simple tips above and you’ll be ready to dance the night away weekend instead of stressing out over your clothes.



The Clothesline

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