Artwork by Trent Reese

Tips to Improve Your Laundry Room

Turn your laundry room into a laundry sanctuary.

The Clothesline
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2019


Whether you have little ones or not, you probably spend a lot of time in the laundry room, washing, drying, and folding your clothes. If that’s the case, then you deserve a special, warm, welcoming space in which to get through load after load without losing your mind in the process. Turn your laundry room into a sanctuary for clean clothes with these tips on how you can improve your laundry room.

Keep it clean

If your laundry room serves as a corridor from outside the house to inside, there’s a good chance it also serves as a dumping ground for not just dirty clothes. Do your best to eliminate clutter by reducing the amount of stuff that gets left there. Keeping a small trash can in the room is extremely helpful for tossing the small bits of trash that might make their way into the laundry room.

Hang an ironing board

If you’re tired of hauling your clean clothes upstairs or to another room to iron them, consider hanging a wall-mounted ironing board right in the laundry room. Doing so is not only a real space-saver but something that will ensure most laundry-related activities stay within the confines of the space.

Stock what you need

There’s nothing worse than reaching for the laundry detergent after loading a full load into the washer and realizing that there’s none left. Keep your laundry room well-stocked by neatly displaying the supplies you have so that it’s easy to tell when you need more.

Make space for folding

While some people fold their clothes in a totally different room than the laundry room, others cram as many neatly folded clothes onto the top of the washer and dryer as they can. Instead of hauling your laundry all around the house or trying to fit it into a cramped space, consider adding a table in your laundry room that’s just for folding clean clothes. A nice farmhouse table can make the space as stylish as it is functional.

Throw in a little decor

While it might seem like a low priority to decorate your laundry room, it shouldn’t be. You spend countless hours in the laundry room each week and it deserves a space that is welcoming and well-decorated. Hit the store, find a few pieces that inspire you, and spend a little time decorating your laundry room.

The best-looking rooms in your home don’t have to be the ones you entertain guests, sometimes you have to think of the spaces in which you ultimately spend the most time. Just because the laundry room is a space for dirty clothes doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be organized, functional and well decorated. Invest a little time (and money!) in making your laundry room special and the hours you spend there will become much more pleasant over time.



The Clothesline

Laundry and Dry Cleaning, Delivered. #TimeIsDelicate