The Importance of Building Your Circle of Trust as an Engineer

Become a Better Engineer

Adrian Hornsby
The Cloud Engineer


“The answers will be given to those who are bold enough to ask.” ― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

As engineers, much of our work involves ideating; the process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas or solutions — whether it’s designing a system, developing code, or formulating innovative solutions.

In his book “Where Good Ideas Come From,” Steven Johnson explains that great ideas rarely spring forth fully formed from a single mind. They need time, nurturing, and refinement from multiple perspectives to truly flourish.

Where Good Ideas Come From. Steven Johnson

Johnson examines how groundbreaking innovations and concepts emerge from what he calls the “liquid network” — an environment that allows ideas to flow freely between people with diverse expertise and viewpoints. He argues that great ideas don’t just spontaneously happen, but rather evolve over time as they are gradually shaped by different minds scrutinizing them, poking holes, and building upon the original concept.



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