How to build a multi-region active-active architecture on AWS

Everything fails all the time — build for resiliency

Adrian Hornsby
The Cloud Architect


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. — Arthur C. Clarke

This is the second part of my series on building a multi-region, active-active architectures. In the previous post, we talked about the Quest for Availability since it seats at the heart of such design.

In this post, I will discuss the why and the how of designing multi-region, active-active architectures.

Bear in mind, that building and successfully running multi-region, active-active architecture is hard, so this post does not pretend to cover everything involved with doing that. Instead, it should be treated as an introduction to this art.

Why bother with multi-region architectures?

Good question and glad you asked! There are basically three reasons why you would want to have a multi-region architecture.

  1. Improve latency for end-users
  2. Disaster recovery
  3. Business requirements

1. Improve latency for end-users



Adrian Hornsby
The Cloud Architect

Principal System Dev Engineer @ AWS ☁️ I break stuff .. mostly. Opinions here are my own.