Introducing The Book of Maldoran.

A retrospective look back on the future of Star Atlas…

The Club Guild
The Club Guild
4 min readAug 12, 2022


More of Akira’s study is revealed with each new chapter

“Let’s dial the eight chevron and go where no man has gone before. Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads, we should say hasta la vista, baby, to our current galaxy in a way we can no longer phone home. Or better yet, stop with the selfish behavior as the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, just speak friend and enter this brave new world that is Star Atlas where food is definitely not soylent green and time may be an illusion but lunchtime doubly so. Also, death on the HRZ is definitely not just a flesh wound and we should just follow the white rabbit wherever she may lead us. Let’s hope we live long and prosper and never feel the need to go back to old ways as there is no intelligence where there is no need for change.”

Old sci-fi references aside (how many did you get?), Star Atlas will undoubtedly force us into ourselves like many of them did. Morality vs ethics, the letter of the treaties vs the spirit of the treaties, profit vs empathy, cooperation vs protectionism, isolationism vs exploration, formality vs trolling, and many more dualities that will permeate our future daily lives. The chapters and stories from the Book of Maldoran reach us from a faraway place and may be as flawed and inaccurate as the humans they speak of but all of them share aspects of the Human condition, its fears, ambitions, hopes, and dreams, their fragility in the face of uncertainty, the rush that comes from exploring new places and overcoming adversity. The stories will evolve and be told as the Star Atlas universe evolves and will not only depict the big events but also the small ones that changed only one person’s day for the better, or for worse, all part of the tapestry that Star Atlas will become. We all have a part to play, a story to tell and an influence on the future, power to the people.

The Book of Maldoran is an intriguing concept with chapters and stories about the history of the Maldoran family within the Star Atlas. Star Atlas is set in the 27th century but with players creating its history right now. Imagine when you log into the game you are transported to a parallel universe, with its timeline running alongside ours, just centuries ahead. Do not think of it as travelling in time, you are just stepping through a portal from this world to that one. Your actions have an effect in this universe as they do in our own. When you log out, you are transported back to our own universe but Star Atlas does not pause, its timeline continues in parallel with our own. You will find it difficult to shape both universes at the same time!
The Book of Maldoran chapters are set even further into the future of Star Atlas, telling retrospective stories from a future that has not yet written! If that has confused you, do not worry, it will all become more clear when you read the first chapter The Book of Maldoran -I- The Shape of Things that Came, available now.


The Club Guild is a decentralised community of Metaverse pioneers in the Play-To-Earn (P2E) gaming space and we give back to our community.

Our global community of members play together, to expand and develop The Club Guild, earning cryptocurrency in return for their efforts.

We believe P2E is here to stay and major institutions may agree, as we see Facebook rebranding to Meta in an attempt to lay claim to a new found Metaverse.

Although we play many different games, The Club’s primary focus has been on Star Atlas, a AAA VR crypto game being built on the Solana Blockchain and in the new Unreal 5 Engine.


Star Atlas is a grand strategy game of space exploration, territorial conquest, political domination and more. Star Atlas is a next-gen gaming metaverse emerging from the confluence of state-of-the-art blockchain, real-time graphics, multiplayer video games, and decentralized financial technologies.

Using Unreal Engine 5’s Nanite, real-time graphics technology allows for cinematic quality video game visuals. In addition, blockchain technology using the Solana protocol establishes a largely serverless and secured gameplay experience. Non-fungible tokens obtained and traded within Star Atlas create an economy that replicates tangible world assets and ownership. To learn more, visit, and send your spaceships on a deep space mission by enrolling them in a Faction Fleet.

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The Club Guild
The Club Guild

The Club Guild is a pioneer of the Metaverse and Play-To-Earn (P2E) gaming space and we give back to our community.