Happy Holidays

Ty Herrenbruck
The Clubhouse
Published in
7 min readDec 21, 2021
Created by community member Jobot

The team members at Magic Mushroom Clubhouse want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday season. 2021 has been an incredible and life changing year. MMC was released three short months ago, and we feel life long friends have been formed. Everyone knows that the NFT space moves fast, and weeks can feel like years. It is easy in the NFT space to continue to ask “what’s next” and get lost in new project releases. We want to assure you that it is okay to take a step back, reflect on 2021, and remember what got you into the NFT space in the first place. If you are reading this article, you are EARLY. This time of year brings an opportunity to be grateful you are exposed to NFTs and with patience and work ethic…WAGMI.

We’re All Gonna Make It?

People define success in many different ways. I personally define success in the NFT space as learning more than I knew yesterday and hopefully not losing money in the process. How the community and project as a whole defines success was one of the key questions in the AMA December 17th. This question will continue to be brought up in phase 2 of the MMC project. The team, mods, and Ancient Shrooms want to understand where the community wants this to go and the possibilities are endless.

The AMA also brought some clarity on where we are as a project:

  • The DAO is in action and both of the first two votes passed unanimously! It is fully implemented and projects are already underway to bring awareness and utility to Magic Mushroom Clubhouse. 150 Ancient Shrooms get to vote on articles and how the project proceeds. There will be a vote for the “Divine 9” in February and these nine Ancient Shrooms will be the source of contact for new ideas.
  • Art is continuing to be developed for the Ancient Shrooms and Companions. I have seen sneak peaks of both of these, and believe the community is going to love what is in the works.
  • Tokenomics and Staking are ready to implement. The team, mods, and Ancient Shrooms just want this to be bullet proof before releasing. There were talks in the AMA about possible multipliers for badges, but this decision has not been finalized (so don’t go buy a ton of badges until the decision is made). Badges by themselves show Proof of Participation and recognize the MMC holders that were committed to the project early. There is new badge utility that we will cover later in this article though.
  • The Zen-Den continues to be a core utility the community enjoys. If you have not checked out this discord channel or listened to a Mental Health Check AMA, then you are missing out! NFTdudette has built something truly incredible and we plan to have this as a fundamental value proposition for being in our community.

TheBrettWay plans to release a video on YouTube within the next month highlighting everything Magic Mushroom Clubhouse has accomplished. He will talk about the importance of building relationships within the NFT space and how MMC plans to help people build and make their definition of success come true.

Badge Utility

The first implementation of badge utility is underway in our Discord! Badge owners have an advantage to gain Wulfz whitelist spots.

  • Total Supply: 5,555
  • Mint Price: .08 Eth
  • Presale: Dec. 27th
  • Public Mint: Dec. 28th

Owning MMC NFTs and Shroom Scout Badges gives you an opportunity to enter a raffle for whitelist spots! Here is how the 70 WL spots will break down:

  • 5 WL spots for +5 Shroom Holders (Shroom Master, Shroom Shaman, and Shroom Whales)
  • 5 WL spots for Badge 4 holders
  • 20 WL spots for Badge 1, 2, and 3 holders (must hold all 3 badges)
  • 40 WL spots for MMC NFT holders

Head over to the discord and make sure to complete all requirements to enter. This is a raffle system, and entering does not guarantee a whitelist spot! Bringing this source of utility to the badges is a huge step for badge holders who didn’t obtain the Ancient Shrooms, so make sure to take advantage!

Sneak Peak: Keep your eyes peeled for future whitelist opportunities. Shroom Tank this week featured a well sought after project called Pixelmon!

Christmas Day Halo Tournament

A Halo Tournament will be hosted on Christmas Day on the Magic Mushroom Clubhouse dedicated Halo Discord! This will also be streamed live on MMC Twitch! This tournament came into existence from an idea by two MMC NFT holders, Tritton.eth and Cumbsz. Here is Tritton’s most recent announcement:

  • The tournament will be a 4v4 match up and if you want a 5th player as a stand-in just in case a player has technical issues then you can have 5.
  • All 4 players must be apart of the NFT community in some sort of project. There are a few exceptions with streaming groups that have already made contact with us.
  • Each member of your team of 4 must be a part of the same project that you will be representing. This means that if everyone is in the Castle Kids community then all 4 players must own a Castle Kids NFT (just an example).
  • 1 of these 4 players must own a Magic Mushroom Clubhouse NFT to qualify. The floor at the time of typing this is .059 ETH. If all 4 people want to chip in to fractionalize the NFT then that is an option as well.
  • We will be allowing non NFT members to enter in our future tournaments later down the road as well, so stay tuned!

This tournament will be MMC’s first cross-community led project! It will help people gain awareness of each other’s projects and build relationships within the NFT community. Prizes include MMC NFTs, Ethereum, and the opportunity to be featured on TheBrettWay’s Youtube channel (over 60k subscribers)!

Shroom of The Week

This week’s Shroom of The Week goes to KoldLys_13! Kold has been an active member within the MMC community and has made some incredible Gifs! You can always find them interacting in General Chat and Zen Den. You can tell they enjoy being a part of the community and are always open for a discussion! Give Kold a follow on Twitter and a congratulations this week!

Success Within the Community

Like talked about above, we want to find a way to define success for our community members. When people are proud of what they are accomplishing, we want to support this and encourage more thought leaders. The most exciting thing coming out of MMC community is relationships and here is a quote from Mark-R about what this has led to:

“The Magic Mushroom Clubhouse community has been an absolute blessing for me. I have spent an enormous amount of time within the MMC community and the value that has come from it has been unbelievable. Every project will tout their community as their biggest asset, but for MMC that is the gospel truth. The network of people here are so incredibly talented. It was through MMC that I was able to help build a team of like-minded individuals interested in not only investing in NFT’s, but creating a project of our own.

Listening to Brett speak in AMA’s, voice chats and YouTube videos inspired me to take his advice and look to get as entrenched in the space as possible. The greatest value in NFTs is not the .2 eth you can make flipping off mint, but the connections you make along the way and what you are able to produce in the space.

By following the path that was laid out through MMC, I was able to meet xAkkadian and a handful of other talented people with whom I’m in the process of launching a project with. Recon Rams is a collection of 5,990 NFT’s that will implement many of the principles exemplified by MMC — building a strong community through events, providing value for every single holder, rewarding your most active and engaged members, and encouraging people to get involved!

We would like to show our appreciation for what this community has done for us. That’s why we’re pledging an ETH donation to the DAO on the successful and complete mint of Recon Rams. I’m looking forward to growing our Project’s community while continuing to support and contribute to MMC.”

Future of The Clubhouse

I have reviewed all the Writer Submissions from last week and am excited for what is to come. There are people interested in contributing to this newsletter that have incredible experience and passion for writing. I will be reaching out to these individuals the next week or so, so make sure to add me as a friend on Discord! 2022 is looking to be a great year for The Clubhouse newsletter and the Magic Mushroom Clubhouse project as a whole!



Ty Herrenbruck
The Clubhouse

AKA Snowgoose — Team Member @ Magic Mushroom Clubhouse — Interested in all things NFTs, finance, crypto, and sports. Recovering college athlete and MBA grad.