What Makes a Great NFT Project?

The Clubhouse
Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2022

And why is that the most important thing for New NFT Investors

So… what does make a great NFT Project?

At the time of writing this article, we have recently seen droves of new people entering the NFT space and what most are learning very quickly is that they can lose money just as regularly as they gain it.

It’s not free money, it’s a great opportunity, and if you are not the most keen-eyed, iron-stomached trader you could easily get eaten up by the competition.

In 10 years we will be able to see all the places we wished we had invested our money and it will seem so obvious from that point of view.

The key is trying to see those qualities now and invest while the potential for profit is still there. Using your perceptive abilities to identify Quality Projects, made by Quality Teams and for Quality purposes, you will set yourself up for a great future and there is no need to worry about missing the boat.

In fact, one of the best ways to miss the boat is to be so worried and stressed out that you make all the worst choices, FOMO into bad projects, and FUD yourself to Oblivion!

The Beautiful Truth is that for the majority of people, I believe the most Successful long-term strategy is to Invest in what you Love!

But also make sure you don’t give your hearts too quickly, for every project can look more appealing under the light of a high volume pump, or when they’re being Sold to you by an Influencer on Youtube.

So with all that in mind I say, Go find projects to fall in love with but if you do it’s important to know what to look for.

I have created this Infographic to help you analyze any project that catches your eye and determine its potential.

These are the main traits I see in Great NFT Projects and it’s important to keep in mind that not all of these qualities are essential for every single Project.

The Roadmap, Niche, Fanbase, Product, or Service might not be relevant to some of these points and the idea is more to use it as a checklist and weigh up the positives, and the negatives, while you dissect a Project.

If the project lacks any of these qualities it should be made up in other areas or be absent just because it makes more sense in that situation.

When looking at the Infographic I want you to see that the Largest Circle is “The User”. That is because the best projects will have a User-focused Ethos and this is an invaluable precursor to success… Just look at Amazon!

The Second Largest of the Circles is “The Team”, and having a Great Team that is there to be seen (i.e. Fully Doxxed), with the right attitude, and engaging with the community is a major factor in how trustworthy a Project can be.

Although Transparency is not essential and in some cases can be beneficial by adding to the mystery.

The Third Largest Circle is “The Art” and it is located in the very center of the page because it is the Bridge between the Team and the User. It is the point of Communication and Great Artwork that relates and unites people is crucial for a project to be loved aesthetically and valued long term.

Now of course, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that is why, although it is important, the Art can be let’s say… unpredictable.

Finally, the Smallest Circles are the components of the project and they are like the Organs in a Body. A well-balanced Project will feed all of these avenues to the appropriate degree.

Familiarizing yourself with this chart will help you to hold a more complete picture of what you should expect from a project and give an understanding of why these things are important to know.

I hope this helps as a simple but effective tool for weighing up a project and the likelihood of being around long term.
It is by no means a fully comprehensive chart and I am sure there would be many great suggestions to include as well as information that will soon need to be updated.

Until then go out and find some projects you Love, pull them apart, and if the insides look as good as the outsides… you might be on to a winner!


