
Cultural Preferences Quiz

Justin Marsh
Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2024


I work in an extremely intercultural team. There are about 11 nationalities and the team is only about 22 people. That’s a wide level of diversity. This provides a lot of interesting dynamics and sometimes conflicts arise. I’ve also done a MA which looks at leadership in cross-cultural settings. This topic is really fascinating to me.

I also love to share my interest with others. So, here’s a resource I made for my team to help them better understand their own cultural preferences and the preferences of the other teammates.

The Quiz

This quiz looks at different cultural values. It has 30 pairs of statements that represent different ways of view the world. Here are some things to remember as you make your responses.

  • No one will ever fit one statement 100%.
  • This quiz doesn’t seek to define you or label you as one or the other.
  • The quiz is designed as a thought exercise. It is to promote reflection and discussion.
  • The statements are highlight potential differences so you can be aware of them.
  • Cultures and people are not opposites. They exist on a spectrum.
  • Individual personality will also account how people answer this quiz.

Complete this by deciding which statement out of the two (either A or B) applies to you the most. If you are unsure which to tick, think about what you’d most likely do or prefer when you are stressed or the situation is complex.

It’s split into 6 parts. Each part looks at a particular set of values.

Part 1

Photo by Paico Oficial on Unsplash

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Reflection Questions

Look through the statements again and consider these questions:

  • Why did you chose that statement?
  • Which statements would you find most difficult to accept and why?
  • What problems can you imagine if you worked with someone that chose the opposite statement?


The results of the quiz will be posted in upcoming weeks. There will be a post for each part of the quiz, looking at the cultural preference or value that the statements focus on.



Justin Marsh

A fake name but a real missionary somewhere in Asia. Often confused. Serving Jesus. Desiring that Jesus is known across the world.