Release journalist Priyanka Borpujari safely and immediately.

Freelance journalist Priyanka Borpujari has been wrongfully arrested by the Mumbai police while covering a protest. We have learnt that she was treated unjustly for simply doing her job by documenting the situation that was unfolding on the ground.

We have learnt via our sources on the ground, that Priyanka has been bruised due to beating. We learnt she was dragged by her hair. We have also learnt that due to the physically abuse, she now has a bruised on the neck. Her equipment and phone have been confiscated by the police. We believe this confiscation is to avoid any release of the evidence she has against the authorities. Through our sources we learnt Priyanka said she had shot a video of police beating women and children. “This arrest is unfair and it directly impacts negatively on media freedom within India. It is also an astonishing reminder how journalists are consistently becoming more and more unsafe in India,” said Kiran Nazish, founding director of The Coalition for Women In Journalism. We have learnt from our sources that Priyanka had collected evidence of the police beating children and women at the protest which was organized by civilians against the demolition project by the state government.Since her equipment has also been confiscated by the Mumbai police, we fear that there is a possibility of the evidence being erased by state authorities.Ms. Nazish added, “This arrest sheds a negative light on the state and the ability of its authority to ensure a free press. In fact this incident shows that the authorities might be avoiding accountability.” CFWIJ member and an independent journalist in India, Rohini Mohan condemns this arrest. Ms. Mohan asked, “Why should any police officer stop or attack a journalist covering a slum demolition? What gives him the right to obstruct reportage and injure a reporter?” Ms. Mohan also says, “Over and over, across India, the police are attacking journalists, detaining them and confiscating phones without any reason or warrant. This is bullying, nothing else, and extremely condemnable.”Priyanka’s colleague and friendPeter Griffin, has arranged a lawyer to assist in the case. He told the CFWIJ about his conversations with Priyanka. “She told me she had been hit by cops and they had tried to take her phone away but she had refused, and that she was going to be taken to the police station after which he lost touch to her phone. Peter Griffin adds, “I am deeply perturbed that such a thing could happen. I know Priyanka as a fine journalist who does her homework and works hard on her stories, and that she is always looking to highlight the plight of the underprivileged. I have no doubt that she was upset by what she witnessed. But I also am very sure that she would not instigate violence.”The authorities have accused Priyanka of instigating the protestors and we condemn this tactic. This, in our view, a tool that the authorities are using to silence journalism and the free press in India.


About the Coalition For Women In Journalism The Coalition For Women In Journalism is the first global network of mentors for women journalists. We offer support to globally to journalists from all background. Our network of individuals and organizations works in an effort to bring the expertise and resources necessary to help women navigate the industry.

For more information about the Coalition, please visit .

Press Inquiries

Kiran Nazish
Co-Founder & Director
Coalition for Women in Journalism

Elle Toussi
Head of Advocacy
Coalition for Women in Journalism



Women In Journalism
The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a worldwide support network.