Veteran broadcast journalist Cokie Roberts dies

We at the Coalition For Women In Journalism are deeply saddened by the passing of Cokie Roberts. A legend lost but her legacy lives on.

Our colleague Cokie Roberts leaves behind a legacy that is unmatched. As a journalist, she made exemplary contributions to the industry as we know it, paving the way for many who followed in her footsteps.

Cokie made immeasurable contributions to both NPR and ABC News during her time there. Her reporting and commentary stood out in a time where many women did not even think to look towards media as a career choice — she continued to define standards with her work til the very end.

CFWIJ Mentorship Member Amna Nawaz said that Cokie was a friend and a mentor to her, just as she was for many others.

“If you had the good fortune to meet Cokie, even briefly, you have a Cokie story. She placed value on everyone she met. She believed everyone’s story mattered. She was a force of nature whose skill and strength was matched only by her kindness and compassion. I lost a friend and a mentor, without whom I wouldn’t be where I am. The world lost a guiding light. Her legacy lives on in the countless women she lifted up and championed along the way,” Amna said while remembering the veteran journalist.

National Public Radio Southeast Asia Correspondent, and current Manila Bureau Chief Julie McCarthy spoke to us about her friendship with Cokie, “Much has been said about Cokie’s contribution to women in journalism. And to watch her at work was a master class in dedication to the craft. Her award-winning coverage of the Iran-Contra affair exemplified steadfastness in the face of sleeplessness! But Cokie taught us something more, perhaps deeper: She taught us grace, and generosity, and the importance of loyalty. She lived her faith, and as she called it, ‘the social gospel.’ She sang in Church like an angel, and would say prayers for me when I went on difficult assignments,” she said.
Talking about the veteran journalist’s spirit, she added: “Cokie was the whole ball of humanity wrapped in a coed’s sense of playfulness and fun. She loved to laugh and could crack up a room. You’d expect nothing less from the daughter of two storied politicians of whom she was immensely proud. Amazed herself, she once told me, ‘Mama made the food at my wedding!’ attended no less by President Lyndon Johnson along with hundreds of guests. Of her charmed life, it could be said Cokie was sprinkled with fairy dust, comfortable in her own skin, and blessed with an intellect that readily discerned the important from the trivial. Husband Steven Roberts remarked in 2017 on the power of her intellect. With it came wisdom, and the ability to let things roll off her back. She had that rare ability to balance all of life’s demands, and so embodied the title of one of her books: ‘We are Our Mothers’ Daughters.’ Her marriage to Steven Roberts and their family life with its gorgeous celebrations were as vibrant as anything in her long illustrious career. For Cokie, family and friends were the object all sublime, and it made all the difference in her brief but full 75 years. An old NPR colleague Jimmy Angle said of Cokie– ‘105 would have been too soon.’” Julie recalled.

“Cokie was for me and many of us an anchor over the years. As NPR transformed and we changed, there was always Cokie. Her presence underlined a much-needed sense of continuity,” she added.

Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts also remembered her for her advice. “Will forever be grateful for the pearls of wisdom #CokieRoberts shared. Coming up this Wednesday morn

@GMA as tributes continue to pour in after her passing…we’ll celebrate the extraordinary life and trailblazing career of the pioneering journalist,” she wrote on Twitter.

Senator Dianne Feinstein also took to Twitter to pay her respects: “Saddened by the news of the passing of Cokie Roberts. She was a stalwart journalist who lived an impressive life and paved the way for many women after her. We’ll miss her writing, wit, insight and commitment to telling the story.”

Our colleague Christiane Amanpour remembered her fondly: “It was a personal pleasure and professional privilege to know Cokie Roberts. Her integrity and brilliant broadcasting set the standard for so long. May she rest in peace.”

Cokie easily navigated through television, print and radio, during the length of her career. She authored several books, often focusing on the women that helped shape the country’s political history. She helped not only open the doors to more women journalists to join the field, but also helped support them so they could push their boundaries.

She is fondly remembered by friends, family and colleagues alike. We offer our heartfelt condolences in their difficult time. Cokie and her legacy will be hard to live up to.

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The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world, and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a worldwide support network.