Do Entrepreneurs Share A Common DNA?

Estefania Herrera
Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2016

Entrepreneurs are often perceived as people with an extraordinary energy. People that are willing to go beyond their boundaries and that are capable to put in place their ideas into something tangible.

Yes,they are often seen as the “risky” ones, that may have stopped everything in their life, and have decided to start all over again.

For them the feeling of self accomplishment is magical, and assures them that there are no limits.

Some people might call this, the DNA of an entrepreneur. And this DNA might actually exist among these individuals, that are sharing similar values, want to co-exist and be surrounded with people that inspires them and overall that understands them.

This DNA is something they create together. Something that is intangible, but that is present in every entrepreneur’s mind and heart. And that can be represented as the engine that drives them to pursue their aims.

Once you have the opportunity to be surrounded 24/7 with these vibrant minds, you will start to understand this DNA more than ever. And it’s quite crazy the way it will boost you like a huge wave of complete and pure exuberance.

The Coalition is transforming into the place where you can find this entrepreneurial effervescence. Where there is much more than just knowledge sharing. Where real exchanges happen, and there is a vigorous challenge in transmitting values.

The startup house has given rise to a new alliance among entrepreneurs. Whom enter into a place where people are not just passengers, but once they are welcomed, they will leave with another life perspective, with and entrepreneurial sprit that will linger forever.

