I Discovered The Dreamlife That Every Entrepreneur Is Looking For

Estefania Herrera
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2016

When you think about co-living and co-working what are the first words that come to your mind?

Are they positive words? Are they negative ones?

The fact is that these 2 terms are new, and unfortunately there are only few people in this world who’ve had the opportunity to experience what is actually to, co-live and to co-work. And if you are not sure what these two words mean, don’t worry I’ll try to be enough descriptive to take you inside of our world: the “coalition”.

Being part of a coalition will make you feel part of an stampede movement.

Where the experience is all about sharing, learning and evolving with like minded people!

What if you were able to put a group of people that think alike all in one place, not only for working but for living too? Do you think this will bring better results in terms of productivity? Do you think these people will be motivated? If the answer is yes, then you are on the right path.

It can be a bit unusual to picture yourself living in an apartment with 10 other people. People whom you’ve probably never have exchanged a word before, but still you are all sharing a common thought, which is, to embark a new lifestyle that will allow each person to develop their business in their own manner.

Once part of the coalition, you will begin a complete metamorphosis. Where you’ll start adapting yourself to things you maybe didn’t expect at your age. I mean when you’re in your mid 20’s and 30's some people expect to be “settling” in their own apartment, start living alone and working 8 hours a day behind a desk.

But our experience is something completely out of the ordinary. Imagine you arrive home and you arrive to an “inspiring” environment, where people constantly work, exchange thoughts, experiences and once they see you entering that door they welcome you with big smiles and make you think once again “this is my place”.

A cozy and inviting place that makes you feel so good

That details like sharing a room with other people, sharing a bathroom, sharing your “privacy” is not disturbing at all. It’s what makes it part of the experience of belonging to the coalition, and it’s incredible how fast you adapt to this kind of environment.

Basically it’s all about sharing and being able to adapt yourself to a constant avalanche of emotions and human encounters. The coalition will awaken a particular desire, which is to keep on learning and encountering people from all around the world.

It’s quite an obvious question, but, aren’t all humans in the constant search of this kind of life? A living life! Out of the office? The real question is why are they still behind a desk? Why won’t they just take the lead?

Humans tend to think and follow what society imposes to them. But for a specific generation, the Y generation, the “standard’ or “usual” is not enough. They have jumped a barrier and they are in the continuous search of something more! Proving that exciting times are ahead of us.

Being an entrepreneur is not an easy task is a demanding role. That requires “leadership” and that is not something everyone has. Therefore for the ones that have gotten to know the real “lion” inside, go out and start “roaring”. If you know what I mean!

There is a new thing our generation is demanding and that is: flexibility to work, from wherever we want, and if you give this to us then we will be ready to give not 100% but 400% to achieve our goals. Freedom is what we believe in, no more “fixed hours”, the objective lays in being productive, and having a strong vision of where you are going.

Belonging to this community of co-workers and co-roomates has opened my eyes, and has made me explore a new side of me. A side, where I’m learning to absorb all the ideas thrown out there, and be inspired every day as I see these young entrepreneurs already moving, giving and exchanging, and this is what society is missing, the “real exchange”, that makes everyone improve and grow in immeasurable ways.

