Song of the Day: ‘Dance Music’ by the Mountain Goats

Why this sub-two minute song is worth your time

Thomas Jenkins
The Coastline is Quiet
2 min readAug 7, 2022


“Dance Music” by the Mountain Goats is one of the happiest-sounding sad songs you’ll ever hear. You probably don’t need me to tell you that John Darnielle is an absolute master of his craft, but this song is an underrated example of his abilities as both a lyricist and musician. “Dance Music” is based on an extremely simple guitar-chord progression, but is played with a passion that infuses its simple instrumentation with depth.

The instrumentals themselves sound happy and bouncy, befitting a song called “Dance Music.” As simple as the guitar chords and piano notes are, the energy that this song exudes is infectious. The lyrics themselves are far darker. Darnielle wrote the entire album The Sunset Tree about the struggles of his childhood. In “Dance Music,” he writes about domestic violence and death.

The most memorable lines come early on, as Darnielle sings:

lean in close to my little record player on the floor.
so this is what the volume knobs for.
I listen to dance music.
dance music.

For the character in this song, music provides an escape. But there’s a deep sadness here as well, an acknowledgement that the music can’t cover up everything. With just a few words, Darnielle paints a picture of deep loss and pain.

I’ve always thought that The Sunset Tree is an absolutely phenomenal album. It’s filled with incredible songs about loss, growing up, and living through pain. “Dance Music” probably isn’t at the top of most people’s lists of favorite Mountain Goats songs. To be honest, it probably isn’t quite at the top of mine, either. But to miss out on this song is to miss a treasure, and proof that this album contains more great music than the 2–3 songs that most enthusiasts spin over and over. Go give “Dance Music” a listen.

