JavaScript Ninja Workshop

Pankaj Bhageria
The Code Labs
Published in
1 min readSep 3, 2016

The Code Labs is conducting an online workshop “Javascript Ninja”.

JavaScript is the most misunderstood language. Most programmers can write few lines of code in JavaScript, but few understand the core concepts of JavaScript.

You may be already programming in JavaScript or some other language or just out of college or still studying. This workshop will help you learn JavaScript, and understand the core concepts of Javascript such as prototypal Inheritance, closures, context etc.

The only pre requisite is that you should already be having a basic introduction to programming. You should understand what are loops, variables, if else statements etc.

The best part is it will be a free workshop! Yes you heard it right, Free! There are limited seats so please hurry up and apply for the workshop at the below link

Starts On: 7th September for 7 days

Timings: 9 PM to 10 PM IST

(In case this schedule is not suitable for you, you can still fill the application form and mention in your suitable schedule)

Where: Online(will be communicated on email)

Who will teach the course: Myself(Pankaj Bhageria,

What will be covered?

  1. JavaScript Basics(data types, variables, loops etc)
  2. Functions and Functions as Objects
  3. Everything to do with Objects
  4. Prototypal Inheritance
  5. Closures and Scope
  6. Asynchronous Programming: callbacks and promises
  7. Event loop
  8. How to improve performance in a JavaScript application

To apply for the workshop please fill the form here :

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Pankaj Bhageria
The Code Labs

programmer, meditator, likes to teach and help,believes in keeping things simple