Beginner’s Guide to Pivoting Data Frames in R

A step by step tutorial on how to convert a wide data frame to a long one

Rishi Sidhu
The CodeHub


Photo by Jeff Sheldon on Unsplash

Many-a-times data collection happens in a column-by-column fashion. That means for every new data series we create a new column in our data table. E.g. John Hopkins COVID-19 dataset is built like that. A new column is added for every new day.

1 column for every day of data.

This results in very wide data frames. Such wide data frames are generally difficult to analyse. R language’s tidyverse library provides us with a very neat method to pivot our data frame from a wide format to a long one. Let’s take a look at a few examples.

Basic Pivot Longer

pivot_longer() makes datasets longer by increasing the number of rows and decreasing the number of columns. To illustrate the most basic use of pivot_longer function we generate a dummy dataset using tribble() method.

Income Data Country-wise

This dummy dataset contains a country’s wealth distribution. Each row corresponds to a single country. It contains country’s name, and the percentage of people in one of the…



Rishi Sidhu
The CodeHub

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