Getting Started With Regular Expressions for NLP

Learn how web-apps validate email addresses in a form using regular expressions

Rishi Sidhu
The CodeHub


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Every now and then a data scientist comes across a text processing problem. Whether it is searching for titles in names or dates of birth in a dataset, regular expressions rear their ugly head very frequently. A regular expression is enough to scare any programmer beyond wits.


Building a regular expression takes some skill. However, decoding a regular expression that has been written by someone else is a nightmare. Luckily, the best way to learn to decipher regular expressions is to understand how to build them from scratch.

A regular expression is a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern. They are used to match character combinations in strings. A very common example of a real world use is when websites verify whether the email address you entered is valid or not.



Rishi Sidhu
The CodeHub

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