codebar Barcelona

Amalia Cardenas
the codelog
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2016

codebar is expanding to Barcelona. Help us spread the word.

codebar is a non-profit initiative that aims to bridge the diversity gap in the tech industry by running free regular programming workshops. The workshops are aimed at women, LGBTQ and people from underrepresented minority groups. The goal is to enable our students to learn programming in a safe and collaborative environment and expand their career opportunities.

codebar sessions run for 2 hours, in which students can choose to follow either our set tutorials, focus on a personal project or follow other online coding challenges with the help of an experienced coach. We take pride in offering a 2:1 student to coach ratio so that students get the attention they deserve.

codebar’s mission is to teach programming, but for this to happen we need your help. We need you to help us spread the codebar mission, and help get coaches on board. We also need you to help spread the word so that people who want to learn to code can get involved.

We also need sponsors, as without them codebar would not be possible. Sponsors provide us with a space, food, drinks and an Internet connection. If you work somewhere that could host a codebar event please contact us, or @codebarBCN. If you know someone that wants to learn to code please tell them about us.

Our first workshops start in October. If you would like to attend as a student or coach please RSVP here. Hope to see you soon!



Amalia Cardenas
the codelog

Diversity in tech enthusiast. Founder of Podcasting at anybodycancode. Organizer of @codebarBCN