codebar Festival 2021

Janine L
the codelog
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2021

Picture this.

You’re currently experiencing a global pandemic — stuck at home and bored out of your mind. Time is slowly wasting away…

You want to learn something new, but your motivation levels are low.
You want to meet new people, but you can’t go out to social events.


After an entire year of being in a global pandemic, in-person tech events seem like such a distant memory. If only there was a virtual event that could bring everyone together…

This is where codebar Festival comes to the rescue. A new 3-day virtual event where each day has a different focus: coding, career, and wellbeing.

Kim Diep and Shannon Farvolden — Building Your First React App with Data From An API (Source: @sfarvolden)

From building your own React app, to career progression tips, to pizza-making and yoga — this festival covered an agglomeration of fun talks and workshops. There’s something for everyone. A few of my personal favourites from the festival include Arti Mathanda’s talk focused on Storybook with React, the career advancement panel, as well as Eddie Jaoude’s session on Open Source.

Eddie Jaoude — What is Open Source and Why You Should Care (Source: @siddharth_hacks)

As an attendee, not only could you tune in to the scheduled sessions, but you could also join the networking tab where you get paired up with someone completely random to chat with. This was such a refreshing functionality, as it really imitated real-life scenarios where you get to interact with someone new.

Personally, I found the event incredibly engaging and the diverse variety of topics discussed were all very intriguing. As this festival took place over the weekend, most people who work Mondays to Fridays were able to attend the majority of it, without disrupting their regular work schedule. Best of all — the event was free of charge for all attendees!

With over 650 people joining in from all around the globe, codebar Festival truly brought the tech community together.

Given the high quality of talks and speakers, as well as how smoothly the platform operated, it’s no doubt one of the best virtual tech conferences I’ve attended. I’m really looking forward to codebar Festival 2.0 next year!

