Danielle Emma Vass
the codelog
Published in
4 min readNov 20, 2018


2018 has been a HUGE year for codebar mobile!

We ran 10 workshops, 5 for Android, and 5 for iOS! This has involved the help of around 100 coach positions, for over 150 students!

Thank you to everyone who has graciously hosted us:

January @ Quander

We started our year off at Quander for a workshop in iOS.

February @ TransferWise

In February we were at TransferWise for an Android workshop

April @ Deliveroo

in April we were at Delivero for our very first Kotlin workshop!

May @ Starling Bank

in May we were at Starling Bank to do some iOS and everyone enjoyed taking home a fresh pair of Starling Socks!

June @ TrainLine

In June we joined The Train Line for some Android!

July @ WiPro with help from DevelopHer & Lloyds Banking Group

Probably our largest event this year! In July we joined forces with DevelopHer with WiPro Digital and Lloyds Banking Group for an iOS workshop!

August @ Twitter

In August we were lucky to be hosted at Twitters UK offices for some more Android development!

September @ Deloitte Digital

In September we joined Deloitte Digital for some iOS development and we tried very hard not to play with all their robots and 3D printers!

October @ TheAppBusiness

In October we joined The App Business for some more iOS engineering!

November @ SkyScanner

The final event for this year, we were at Skyscanner’s offices to build some Android apps!

Thank you to all the coaches who gave up their evening to help our students learn something new.

Thank you to all the students, who even after a long day of doing their regular day came to learn something new and challenged themselves!

Thank you to everyone who left feedback this year, without it we wouldn’t have made things better!

For instance, now we send people an email ahead of the workshops so they can install either Android Studio or XCode. Which is far better than using valuable workshop time to watch a progress bar go!

Another thing we’ve learned through feedback is to diversify our tutorials:

Thank you to everyone who helped worked on the tutorials to make them better.

To Savvas who helped me learn Kotlin in one evening so we could write a tutorial which ended up everyone building their own cookie themed tinder!

To Rosa, Funmi, Abdul, Leke, and Yishai who spent an evening help to write new swift tutorials to expand our iOS resources!

Thank you to Londroid, Google IO Extended London, and NSLondon for allowing us to talk about what we’re doing and why we needed support to achieve everything this year!

in April we spoke at Londroid at Babylon Health!
Early in May we got a stand AND speaking spot from very kind people at Google IO Extended.
Later in May we spoke to people at NSLondon in the Facebook London office!

So what will 2019 entail?

We’re looking for support from the community to help run our workshops from February each month on Thursdays, aiming for the start of the month! We’re a maximum of 10 coaches and 20 students (30 people) who only need some food and drink, wifi, electricity and some comfy chairs to run a workshop! If this is something you think you could help us out with please reach out to mobile [at] codebar [dot] io!

Finally, I like to be held accountable to future goals. This year I had a dream to end the year with a hackathon building apps for social good. Unfortunately too much “life” got in the way to make that happen. In 2019 I want to make this happen! If you’d like to help please find me anywhere on the internet!

Finally, thank you to YOU for taking the time to read this post!

