Uncodebar 3

Jo Franchetti
the codelog
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2017

Return of the Knowledge-sharing!

While September may herald the end of summer it also brings with it the shining light of our events calendars: Uncodebar. This year’s installment, Uncodebar 3 brought us more attendees, more sessions and more shared learning than ever before.

For those of you not in the know, Uncodebar is the yearly unconference run by the codebar London team. The format of an unconference is very losely structured. We don’t organise any talks or workshops until the day, the attendees are the ones who bring the content and choose what they want to attend. Our wonderful sponsors provide the space and the nourishment to keep the day flowing smoothly!

Our day started over a delicious breakfast provided by our host, Twitter, in their London office. Close to 100 attendees, who included coaches, advanced students and interested members of the tech community, networked and mulled over the sessions they were going to pitch. When pitching started we were happily inundated with talk, workshop and discussion proposals and the schedule for the day started to fill up.

The breadth of the topics covered by Uncodebar sessions means that there really is something for everyone, from an introduction to the BBC Micro:bit to building your own CityMapper, improving your public speaking to a heated debate on the ‘weird bits’ of CSS, perfecting your CV to hiring developers the Uncodebar attendees never fail to impress with their knowledge and willingness to share.

An Uncodebar workshop on how to improve your coaching technique run by @emmettwalshdog and BiBi giving courage to developers who are losing heart

A delicious lunch and the most beautiful, sparkling #uncodebar @womeng cupcakes were provided by Twitter to keep energy levels up.

The day finished up with lightning talks, these included an excellent talk from first time speaker BiBi from sponsor Nexmo who gave a passionate lesson on how to ‘Keep Climbing’ and not get overwhelmed. We had introductions to other great organisations such as @ClojureBridge and impassioned off the cuff introductions to technologies and tools.

For me the best thing about Uncodebar was the enormous diversity in skills, backgrounds and experiences brought to the event by all the people I heard speaking and/or got chatting to. It was a great opportunity to connect on a broader level and have a little fun. — Joe Falconer

As with every Uncodebar, the event would be nothing without our attendees and our generous sponsors. We cannot thank @TwitterUk , Nexmo, @SamsungInternet and Ticketmaster Tech enough for their support, nor our amazing coaches and students for bringing their knowledge, intelligence and enthusiasm to every codebar event.

See you next year!

