uncodebar 6.0 - No one can stop us!

Paola DM
the codelog
Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2020
This photo was taken by attendee and Brighton organiser Anwen Williams

For the majority of people, the end of September represents the end of summer, but for the codebarnity* (codebar+community) it represents an unmissable appointment: the annual unconference…uncodebar!

If you are not familiar with unconferences, this type of event is a participant-driven event that avoids hierarchical aspects of a conventional conference. All participants can be both participants and attendees, no matter their development experience. The main aim is to spread knowledge while having fun.

In our words:

“uncodebar is a one-day event that encourages the codebar community to come together, share the knowledge, and strengthen the community that supports its workshops.”

codebar virtual unconference 6th edition

This year it was slightly different in that it was ran virtually, and was held on September the 19th and nevertheless, the critical situation made its community reunite virtually and it was a blast!

Some numbers:

  • over 160 participants from 20 different countries
  • 6 sponsors: Cleo, Status Cake, GitHub Education, Citizens Advice, ASOS, and Ably
  • 19 inspiring talks and discussions, 4 virtual-world rooms, 1 lunch break, 98 networking sessions (Hopin have a feature where you randomly pair with someone else from the conference for 5 minutes)

Now let’s get a taste of…Wakanda, Narnia, Azeroth, and Westeros virtual worlds.

Like all the years the quality and variety of the talks/discussions were high. A big thank you to all the speakers for their effort.


Between all the talks I found very useful the fantastic overview of web architecture, given by David Whitney. Enlightening talk for a student who approaches web development.

virtual conference: David Whitney’s talk on Architecture for everyone
Architecture for Everyone by David Whitney


Paolo Fabbri proposed a journey in aesthetics with his “The beautifulness of being useless” a fun talk on esoteric programming languages. And Jo-Franchetti’s “IoT t-shirt” talk.

Alice Lieutier performed a live coding experience “Intro to JS animations using canvas”, very well managed for those who are approaching animation.

virtual conference moments Josh Fleck’s SQL Workshop and Paolo Fabbri’s Esoteric Language talk
Paolo Fabbri and Josh Fleck talk

Job tips:

There were also talks and tips for the job seekers: Alicia Teagle from SR2, shared her experience as a recruiter and suggested strategies for those who were trying to land their first dev job.

Or the discussion on job interviewing, cv tips, proposed by Dafin Aziz.

Mental health:

Well-being at work: Bruno Girin’s discussion session on “How to improve diversity in our team”, and Jo’s “Imposter Syndrome”.

The unconference ended at 8pm, but like all codebar events networking couldn’t be missed, the power of technology helped us and participants could exchange some impressions during the “speed networking dating” session.

previous conference and new codebar logo
uncondebar 6


This was my second uncodebar and for me, it is the best way to talk, see and get into the dev community. It is an enriching experience which helps individuals to connect in a totally comfortable environment, where diversity is also a focus.

Thank you codebar for helping people to spread the knowledge see you next year.

N.B codebar is a charity, if you wish to support us please donate!



Paola DM
the codelog

webdeveloper, coach and workshop organizer @codebar student @futureproof