We’re back — uncodebar 8

the codelog
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2022

September 2022 saw the return of our annual unconference uncodebar!

A group shot of all attendees from uncodebar
Group shot from uncodebar. Taken by Eddie Jaoude

We were so thrilled to be welcoming our community to the Google office in London for our annual unconference. We’ve not been able to run this event in-person since 2019 so we were so excited to see everyone again!

An unconference is a “loosely structured open space event emphasising the informal exchange of information and ideas between participants”. This means that no sessions are scheduled ahead of the day. After the welcome talk attendees tell their session idea and we start creating the schedule — it can be a talk, panel, discussion, or workshop. This is a 100% participant-driven event: we only suggest time slots and spaces. There were 4 (sometimes 5) tracks to uncodebar 8, totallin 24 sessions. Below was the schedule after everyone had said their idea.

We then finished the day with a 45-minute lightning talk slot where people could come and talk about anything for 5 minutes. We had someone talk about caching, someone showed us how to put together a website in 5 minutes, and someone even gave the strangest (and best) recruitment pitch we’ve ever seen at a tech event— for their local underwater rugby team.

uncodebar is without a doubt always the highlight of our year. We absolutely love the broad range of sessions that happen, and the spontaneity of the day. Admittedly not knowing beforehand does scare us a little but our amazing community never shies away from sharing what they know.

The day could not have gone ahead without our amazing host and sponsor Google. Not only did they provide an amazing space, but they also fed and hydrated us. Thank you so much Google and to all the Googlers that helped on the day! If you want to find out more about career opportunities with Google please enter your details into this form.

We are also thrilled to have been able to offer travel support for 15 people to attend the event. Making our events inclusive is our number 1 goal, and we know coming to an in-person event isn’t always possible.

Interested in joining our community? We always have spots open for new coaches and students to join. uncodebar only happens once a year, but every week we run free programming workshops. So if you’re interested in learning HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Ruby or Python then do sign up. Or, if you’re able to coach someone at the beginning of their coding journey in one of these languages then please sign up as a coach https://codebar.io/.

And finally, after the event we had several people come up and ask if we could run this in another city! So, what city shall we bring uncodebar to next?



the codelog

codebar is a non-profit initiative that facilitates the growth of a diverse tech community by running free weekly programming workshops.