5 Types of Coffee Drinks To Introduce To Your Beginner Friend

Which one among the many great-tasting choices on the menu should you choose for them?

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The Coffee Mic
4 min readMay 29, 2022


Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash

There are many places to take your friend out to catch up. But maybe it’s been many years since you guys have seen each other and you have a lot to catch up on. If you’ve finished your meal, but you’re not ready to end your tête-à-tête, the coffee shop is one of the best places to continue your conversation.

But what happens if you’re a coffee lover and your friend is not? And they’re (finally!) up to trying your recommendation?

Which of the many great-tasting choices on the menu should you choose for them?

Photo by gladys arivia on Unsplash

You may have tried various coffees, loved them, but still don’t know the exact differences between each one.

You don’t want to be stuck in the situation where you look at the menu then to your friend (who’s suddenly asking for the best cup of joe,) and back to the menu again, and not know how or what to answer. (Probably skip the solo shot of espresso for their first rodeo!)

Don’t stress, we’re here to help!

Here are the five types of drinks you can confidently recommend if you want to introduce your friend to the delicious world of coffee.

5 Types of Coffee Drinks For A Beginner

It’s true, you don’t have to be a coffee aficionado to know there are many types of coffee drinks available. Just looking at the menu is a flat right-in-your-face confirmation. But you know that if you choose the wrong coffee drink, your friend will never trust you again with any recommendation… Just kidding.

But joking aside, start your friend with one of the following beginner-friendly coffee drinks. You never know, they might become a coffee lover, too!

  1. Café Noir or Black Coffee
Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

It’s simplicity at its finest. No sugar, no milk, no cream, no anything else but ground coffee beans with hot water. If it’s been so long since you’ve bonded with your friend (and you don’t know if they still have a sweet tooth), pure coffee with no additives is the perfect choice.

2. Caffè latte or Latte

Photo by Alyssa Strohmann on Unsplash

Coffee shops may either serve their lattes plain or with a flavor, but you can never go wrong with a caffe latte as an introductory drink. While black coffee is only the ground beans and hot water together, the latte contains a shot of espresso and steamed milk with a little touch of foam. It won’t be too bitter for your friend and not too sweet either. But, if you want it sweet, you can always add a flavored syrup to the latte.

3. Mocha

Let’s say your friend has retained their sweet tooth; mocha sounds right for them. A shot of espresso, plus chocolate, and steamed milk with foam — it does sound heavenly, doesn’t it? Your friend will certainly think so.

4. Cappuccino

Photo by Robert Euro Djojoseputro on Unsplash

It’s a playful and indulgent drink fit for light talks. Mostly consumed during breakfast, it’s still a great choice for your friend at any time of day. This drink offers a thick layer of foam, steamed milk, one shot of espresso, and, if you want, a sprinkle of cinnamon on top. Sounds similar to a latte, right? However, in cappuccino, the foam layer is thicker.

5. Caffè Macchiato

In case your friend doesn’t want chocolate mixed into the drink or they don’t want the milk overpowering the espresso, and they also don’t want just pure coffee like café noir — macchiato is the choice. A caffe macchiato has a rich espresso base with just a dollop of milk foam on top. Simple and delicious.

Ready For A Coffee Date?

We chose these five drinks because you’ll find these coffee drinks in almost every café you’re going to… and they’re delicious! With the latte alone, you’re saved from ruining your friendship. This may be the safest choice for the beginning coffee drinker.

Tip: If you’re going out on a summer day, order one of these tasty coffee drinks over ice for your friend. This is perfect to enjoy the sunshine and patio without overheating.

So, what do you think? Ready to go out on a coffee date?

