How To Prevent Procrastination

Here is how I do it!

Ekta Bera
The Coffee Mic
3 min readJun 12, 2022


Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Whether you believe it or not, procrastination is evil and we all have come across it knowingly or unknowingly at some point in our lives, or maybe right now. But that’s not the end of this conversation, we do face its consequences that include several like guilts, failures, and last-moment rush.

Well, do we really want that? No, right? We want a perfect, smooth life that runs on time, with every project to be done on or before time. And that’s where I caught you.

Lately, when I involved myself in the productivity and stuff, I have learned on my own how not to procrastinate my tasks because I didn’t want anything to be pushed till the very last moment. I had that immense pressure of completing the task in one night, and I couldn’t handle that anymore.

And the fact is, even though we know we are procrastinating our tasks, the best possible tip would be to JUST START but in reality... I know it doesn’t work like that.

So, I want to share with you how to I stop procrastinating my stuff because I have noticed procrastination is a problem for most of us, and it might help you, too. Here it goes:

Have a mug of coffee

Of course, coffee provides that boost of energy so that you stay active the whole day. I like having a mug of coffee right before actually starting my day for basically two reasons, first, Coffee helps me kickstart my day instantly, however, the second reason and the most important one is I Love Coffee.

Write down all the tasks in one place

Now that I had a mug of coffee, all I need is a list to kickstart my day, a sort of reminder that could remind me about every task of my day, you guessed that right, a to-do list. I write down all the tasks and keep that right in front of my eyes in my workspace so that I can track my progress of the day. And if I tell you honestly, I love striking tasks through the list of my to-do. Apparently, I do the things on my list and that could be one of the possible reasons that I love making to-do lists. Well yes, I do it on an analog daily planner, not on the digital mode.

Treat myself after every task

This might sound a bit weird but yes! I do it. I treat myself after every task I finish. Well, that treatment may be a break for 5 minutes with earphones plugged in with my favorite music or a quick video to watch or anything as interesting as cooking something in the kitchen, I love doing all of them. And this way, it motivates me for the next task I have to do.

I know you might be thinking about what kind of tips these are. Well, let me tell you, I am not providing any tips or tricks, I am just sharing my experiences whatever I do for myself. But still, if you feel that right, please go ahead and give it a shot.

Happy Productivity!



Ekta Bera
The Coffee Mic

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