Why I wear a black t-shirt every day.

Alex Rowe
The Coffeehouse Cleric
4 min readAug 3, 2016


I have always appreciated scandi-chic interior design and Japanese style, but around twelve months ago something changed. I watched a TED-talk that changed my life.

The talk is called, ‘A Rich Life With Less Stuff’, and it documents the journey of Joshua and Ryan, two guys who became increasingly dissatisfied the so-called American Dream and it’s associated lifestyle of consumerism. Earning and spending. Earning more, spending more. But something was wrong. All the stuff wasn’t enough. They weren’t happy. Josh and Ryan began streamlining their lives, focussing on what was important to them, and eventually they started theminimalists.com.

After hearing their story, I became obsessed with learning more about minimalism. Though minimalism looks different for each person who embraces it, here is an elevator pitch that moves towards defining the term:

“Minimalism is a lifestyle that helps people question what things add value to their lives. By clearing the clutter from life’s path, we can all make room for the most important aspects of life: health, relationships, passion, growth, and contribution.”

I read about Colin Wright, a freelancer and digital nomad who moved country every four months or so based on the votes of those who read his blog. Or Joshua Becker, a Christian who embraced minimalism and involved his whole family in the process. I heard about the lifestyle habits of Barack Obama, who eliminates ‘decision fatigue’ by wearing only grey and black suits. Or Mark Zuckerberg, who wears a grey t-shirt every day for the same reasons.

A year down the line, and I am ready to embrace something of a minimalist lifestyle.

I wear a black t-shirt every day. I’ve been doing it for the past couple of months now.

Why black?
This is more of a personal decision. I like black. I considered following in the footsteps of James Dean, who’s famous for his white t-shirts. I thought about doing a Zuckerberg, but all guys know the kind of problems that come with braving a grey tee. Instead, I went for black. Black is simple, classic, and never goes out of fashion.

Why a t-shirt?
I’m fortunate enough to have free choice in what I wear. I don’t have a profession with a set dress-code — I’m a student. This isn’t an excuse to dress with no sense of style, but it does mean I can forget about formality. T-shirts are comfortable and work with a diverse range of looks. A tee can be relaxed when paired with jeans and white sneakers, or dressed up with chinos, a pair of oxfords, and perhaps a jacket in the evening. Easy.

Need more convincing? Read David Gandy’s thoughts on the plain t-shirt.

Why a black t-shirt every day?
This brings us back to the heart of this blog post. There are a number of reasons why I’ve made the decision to wear a black t-shirt every day:

  • Automation. There is serious research to suggest that each little decision we make gradually tires us and slows us down. This culmination of small choices, and the eventual exhaustion, is known as ‘decision fatigue’. I have six black t-shirts. Wearing a black tee each day removes the stress of having to decide what to wear each morning. By putting some thought into it, I have developed something of a capsule wardrobe where any item of clothing I own can be paired with any other item. Automation can save significant time and mental energy.
  • Consumerism. I worry that the prevalent consumerism of the modern West is damaging. It’s unsustainable. Since when did we need so much stuff? Of all that we own, we probably only use around 20% of it on a regular basis. Choosing to wear a black t-shirt each day helps me not to get sucked into the mechanism of consumerism, and the seasonal trends exhibited in shop windows have lost their pull. A plain tee will never go out of fashion.
  • Focus. Minimising decision fatigue as much as possible by automating and reducing the choices I make on a daily basis allows me to focus on that which is important to me. I quote again the definition of minimalism mentioned above: “Minimalism is a lifestyle that helps people question what things add value to their lives…we can all make room for the most important aspects of life.”

By simplifying, by wearing a black t-shirt every day, I am freed up to throw myself into those things that I am passionate about — studying theology and knowing God; improving my writing; thinking about the intersection between faith and everyday life. I find that I also have more time. Time to be more attentive to my friends, to exercise and keep healthy, to slow down and relax.

I’m wearing a black t-shirt everyday. This is one way I focus on that which matters to me.

What could you do?

Thanks for reading this far. If you enjoyed this piece, please do recommend it by clicking on the little green heart below and share it with friends on social media. You can find out more about me here: www.coffeehousecleric.com.



Alex Rowe
The Coffeehouse Cleric

I write essays by day and blog posts by night. Probably hanging out in a café near you.