10 perfect ways of saying “Thank you!”

Sharon Philip
The Coffeelicious
Published in
6 min readApr 18, 2016

What is gratitude? The perfect definition of gratitude would be, “ the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” Do you realize how much power a simple “Thank You” holds? According to a study, the person expressing gratitude and the one receiving it, both experience a positive surge in emotions, leading to a good day and feeling better on the inside, also contributing to the wellness of one’s health!

Since from now on, if we would really like to imply this habit in whatever we do, let’s find out some interesting ways of expressing it.

  1. A sweet and simple “Thank You” note

Usually we always have some amazing people around us. Great colleagues at work who would do your little tasks for you in your absence or someone at home, keeping things ready after you return from work tired. Friends even, do so much, without us even asking them to. So the next time, leave a “thank you” note with a cup of coffee on your colleagues’ desk, or a note on the fridge or the dining table telling your mom or spouse, how much you appreciate their hard work. Leave a note in your friends’ room. They will cherish it forever. It does not take a lot of time, but definitely makes your relationships stronger.

2. Bake it pretty

If you want to go a step ahead with your efforts, bake a delicious dessert as a sign of gratitude and happiness. There is nothing better than someone preparing a delicacy as a thank you. It expresses love, care, respect for a person’s help and an action that is sure to make a heart melt. As it is rightly said, “A balanced diet is having a cupcake in each hand”. So, let the one hand be yours and the other of the person you wish to thank. Now why waiting? Gorge onto them already!

3. A “Thank You” hug

Hugs are the best ways of expressing happiness, love, concern and so many other emotions, one of which is gratitude. When you hug someone, you relate to the person and that hug has the power to convey your words without speaking them out. Hence, whenever you wish to thank your close ones, just embrace them and let them know what every little effort means to you. When hugs can dissolve wars, it definitely can make someone’s day. Be the one to make it!

4. Return the favor

Another wonderful way of saying “Thank You” would be to help someone out with their needs. If a friend needs help moving some place or is facing financial crisis or needs your support for making important decisions or even something as simple as completing an assignment, just be there for them. Guide them through, your every little word and every second you put into for them, would matter. Trust me, this will strengthen your bonds to wonderful extents.

5. How about some fun

What if your friend is really wanting to get that handbag she saw the last time you guys went shopping or what if they really want to try that eatery out but are waiting for their pockets to get refilled! Why make them wait! Giving your friends and family discount coupons of their favourite brands and looking at their big grins and sheer happiness will tell you what royal a gesture you have displayed. Looking at their faces will make you even more happier. Also, expect a similar surprise coming your way soon!

6. Chocolates

There is always that one person in your life who is so fond of chocolates that be it any occasion, you just don’t need to think of any other gift. Just bring them bars and bars of chocolates and your job is done. And that is the moment when you become the best person in the whole wide world for them. Chocolates are elixirs, chocolates are heaven and fairies, chocolates are doorways to magical realms and the highest point of satisfaction your soul can get. You know what I mean, right?

7. Take em’ out

Be it your friends, your date or even your grandma or grandpa, everybody loves coffee. Taking someone out for coffee is in itself a wonderful gesture of spending time and bonding with the person. Not just dates, it is a nice way of thanking someone and returning the act. With coffees come great moments, memories, talks, laughter, sharing of feelings and making people feel special. Plan it out and ask your grandparents for a date, see how happy you make them feel. Take your best friend out for a long pending meet. And what better than coffee!

8. Gift a book

If you really love your nerd friend or want to help someone pass their time with a purpose, say “Thank You” with a book. Just make sure which genre they prefer, you would not want to get that wrong! Books are adventures its readers are set on to. For someone who loves books, trust me when I say this, you have given them bliss in pages and words and gained their love for life!

9. Knit it with love

If you can really give in a lot of your time and want your “Thank You” to be very special, knitting for someone can be an out of the world gesture. Are you thinking about knitting as an old granny’s task then you are completely mistaken my friend. Knitting is a wonderful art and the person you do it for will recognize your efforts, the feelings you put into it and the one way you want your gratitude to be, perfect!

10. The-I-Am-Busy-Thank-You

Now some people are really busy, for e.g. Messi, Taylor Swift, Shahrukh Khan and some of my stupid friends. They can’t afford to spend time knitting or taking your dog out for a walk or do baby-sitting for you. But, there is always a way out. Busy people like them can always rely on technology. Just a few words of love, a line full of cute, funny and lovely emojis or maybe even an Instagram or Snapchat post. Your job is done, their day is made!

These are just ways of expressing what you feel but at the end of the day, you need to go out there and do it. A simple gesture may save someone from having a bad day. Make someone smile today. Its costs millions and trust me you will definitely be getting abundantly richer.

