Hold on to your loved ones.

9 Things to Hold On To — And Never Let Go

Jess Drury
The Coffeelicious


I came across several articles this week that all talked about letting go. While I don’t necessarily disagree with this advice it might be the rebel in me that wants to flip her hair defiantly and talk about holding on instead. Or maybe I’m just ready to move past the Frozen sing-a-long.

So here are 9 things I think we should all hold on to…

  1. Family: Life is shorter than it seems most days. Health is precious. If you’re lucky enough to have the luxury of a family you love — hold on to them.
  2. Friends: The good ones. Who support you. Who are up for crazy adventures and crying over pints of ice cream.
  3. Dreams: ALL your dreams. Both the ones you work to realize in life and the ones that remain lovingly nestled among the clouds. I am a big fan of dreamers.
  4. Goals: Because some dreams DESERVE to be a reality. Make sure they’re your OWN. Not society’s. Not your family’s. Long term, short term have them both. Make a plan and go for it.
  5. Ideals: I’ve been jaded, critical and pessimistic. I’ve also been an idealistic optimist. Hold on to your ideals. Run away from those jaded jerks who want to convert you. While you’re at it hold on to your morals, your values and your good intentions. I do believe good intentions matter. Consequences matter too — deal with them when they happen. Learn from it. Then go back and start from a place of good intentions again. It’s all you can do.
  6. Time for Yourself: There will always be a million different people wanting to pull you in a million different directions. Or it will FEEL that way. Take time for yourself. Do what feels good for your soul. Read. Run. Pray. Meditate. Play music. Practice Yoga. Walk. Paint. Swim. Create. ___________.
  7. Time: I know I know it’s impossible to hold on to time. What I mean is protect it. Don’t let others dictate how you spend it. Then choose how you spend it wisely. No returns, refunds or exchanges on your time.
  8. Your Pants: Because this list is far too deep and serious. And because it’s always good to have an extra pair. And because this life is a crazy ride full of unexpected twists and turns. Robbie Burns said it, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry”. And if that’s the case then holding on to your pants — gonna come in handy. While you’re at it hold on to your sense of humor, you’ll need that too.
  9. Having Fun: I fear I may have lost this if it weren’t for my children. They remind me to have fun everyday. Beg me, actually. Don’t ever lose your childlike sense of wonder. Don’t EVER lose your curiosity.

There you go — in the face of all the advice to let go I say hold on. What else would you put on this list?

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Jess Drury
The Coffeelicious

CEO of Heartlines Copywriting Studio | Best-Selling Author | Copywriter | Reiki Master | @JessMDrury | www.heartlinescopywritingstudio.com