A City In His Pocket

Paul Brookes
The Coffeelicious
Published in
1 min readFeb 20, 2017
Photo by Paul Brookes

Searched his donkey jacket,
business suit and blazer.

Nowhere. In his dreams hand
in pocket it felt smooth like wet cobbles

on which his hobnail boots slipped and faltered,
clattered and echoed in a cave of streets,

crammed with bread on the bake,
spicy curry and sweet dark chocolate,

or the top of a Christmas dome
you upturned to see snow fall

on gothic spires and picket fences,
or hand in pocket spiky and harsh

like police speed traps or his wife’s voice.
Pick pocketed now empty pocket.

Gust blew across the abandoned threads.
Aha! He’d put it in his hi viz jacket.



Paul Brookes
The Coffeelicious

Writer, historian,fam & loc., shop assist., security guard, postman, admin. assistant, photographer, lecturer, performer with "Rats for Love". Counter intuitive