A Goodbye Letter To Fear

Cameron Chang
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2016

There is so much fear in the world

And look at how much it’s taken from us

Look at where it’s gotten us

So I just wanted to ask fear a question

―Dear fear,

How dare you take this world that we love

And spread violence over it like wildfire

Where do you get off?

Robbing us of our trust, of our dignity

Tearing families apart, ruining marriages and destroying self-esteem

And leaving it shattered on the ground

I’ve seen you crush dreams

I’ve seen you turn

Sister against sister

Brother against brother

White against black

Black against white

I’ve seen you draw imaginary lines in the sand

And divide and conquer the world based upon imaginary distinctions

I’ve seen you maim in the name of progress

Turn into darkness and hate

Inflicting countless acts of insanity

―But here’s the thing

To create an enemy out of you

Would just be more fear

So instead

I just thought you should know something, fear

You don’t get to have the last word

I just wanted to let you know

This world is not your kingdom

I want you to know

You do not get to occupy the throne

Of our existence

Because just as the clouds obscure the sun

But do not destroy it

So too can you temporarily obscure love

But never defeat it

So here’s a promise, fear―

We will not put our lives on hold for you

We do not bow to you

We will not kneel before you

We will not go quietly into the night

You will never make cowards of us

And you will not see us barricade ourselves behind the walls

Of our own country

Fearing our own brothers and sisters

Behind the facade of nationalism, in the name of safety

―So long as there is a breath in our bodies

You will not steal away our smiles or our spirit

Not from the French

Not from the Germans

Nor from anyone who calls this planet home

On behalf of all that is good and true in this world

Goodbye, fear

―I choose love instead

