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A Guide To Getting Hurt

It’s not so much about how, but who.

Keay Nigel
The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2013


The truth is in life you can never avoid hurt.

Hurt happens whether you want it or not, expect it or not. It can come to you when you least expected, or it can come at you straight in the face saying, “Bitch, here I come. This is going to sting like hell.”

People hurt each other with their words and actions all the time, whether intentionally or unintentionally. That’s what we do — we hurt each other. We hurt while we love, and we love while we hurt.

We hurt people when we want to, and we hurt people when we don’t mean to. Sometimes even by doing nothing, we’re hurting somebody. Sometimes, hurt is just inevitable. In love, in friendship, and even in the family.

Things hurt and sting because we put emotions and hopes in them. We build some sort of a wall of expectation around them and hope that things would stay the same so that our expectations do not crumble and fall and turn to dust.

But most things don’t stay the same, do they? No, they don’t. Ever.

And so we get hurt when things go bad. Just when we had thought that everything’s going so well.

The good thing though, is that we have the choice to the things that can hurt us. Well, at least most of us.

You choose who you open your heart to. You choose who to use your feelings for.

When we choose our friends, we do so with care — it’s like buying shares. We go for those that we predict would blossom and grow. We choose those that would give us more joys than headaches. We avoid the troublesome, “full of drama” types because it’s gonna cost too much energy being involved with them. We choose people who are worth the pain, worth the hurt.

One silly thing to do though, would be to abandon a relationship the moment it upsets you — to throw your arms in the air saying, I give up, I give up.

Do you not care about the good old days and happy times you had with that person anymore? Perhaps you’ve forgotten the reason why you chose him or her in the first place. You don’t remember how good it felt to be together, and how happy it made you. You want to throw the relationship away because it hurt you. You became afraid as you lost your trust.

But everything hurts. Remember that. No matter what, things are bound to turn their back against you one day. Things change. They all do. And some people leave, only so that some other new people can arrive in your life.

All in all, I ask that you choose. Carefully and wisely. Who you love, and know who you shouldn’t.

Choose someone who’s worth it. Someone who would stand by you the next time you hurt them.



Keay Nigel
The Coffeelicious

Keay Nigel is also on Huffpost, BuzzFeed, EliteDaily & Thought Catalog // IG: @keaynigel