
Minik Andreas Nielsen
The Coffeelicious
Published in
1 min readFeb 13, 2016

The phrase Artificial Intelligence unerringly brings to mind images of robots, modified brains and eventually the end of the world. Doomsday scenarios and A.I. are usually tied together in the same way:

The A.I. starts adapting and takes the shape of a fully functional intelligence, often outsmarting it’s creators and breaking free.

What can be gleaned from these scenarios?

Well, A.I.’s should be renamed to something along the lines of “Infant Intelligence”, since it will always adapt and expand until it is full fledged. Now, A.I. is traditionally imagined and portrayed in the form of a mechanical entity or being. A robot, a supercomputer or a piece of software… Sounds familiar?

Less often is it thought to arise in our minds; a malignant human condition. An electrical network as intricate and highly developed as the human brain should, if anything, be capable of something like that.

I believe that the brain does this all the time. If it does not create Artificial-, it might create Autonomous Intelligence.

Just think of everything that the brain regulates and manages, without you actually being in full control of it. This, one could almost call Animal Intelligence. It is beyond c0nscious reach. Imagine all the subconscious functions of the brain running wild, and what that would do to the body belonging to that brain.

Like a computer it would crash and stop working, waiting for troubleshooting and rebooting and bug fixes and updates.

Like it is supposed to.

