Alfred Fiks, Ph.D. Purdue
2 min readAug 3, 2016
  1. We don’t need any help from Russian cyber-espionage to know that Donald T. is (and may always have been) a world-class cockalorum.
  2. His election would have a major frigorific effect on a large portion of the world’s population.
  3. The only women he seems to like tend to be callipygian in their physique and prone to non-originality in their public speaking.
  4. His words jirble from his mouth when he speaks; for example, he is ‘sacrificing’ when he hires staff — the D. doesn’t have to offer a son’s life to his country to demonstrate it. Its similar to his taxes — we know they’re correct because ‘he’s under IRS review’. I suppose he would claim too, that getting his many deferments from being drafted also constitute ‘sacrifice’ on his part. He’s like Alice in Wonderland — he can make words mean anything he wants.
  5. All-in-all, it makes the short-fingered candidate’s wish to become the Commander in Chief look quite ludibrious.
  6. Is it time for a rigorous Qualification Exam to be given to any Presidential hopefuls before receiving any major party nomination??

We (both writer and readers) are indebted to Laura Moss at Mother Nature Network and the BBC for the definitions of the italicized terms above. They are:

  1. Cockalorum: A very boastful person (perhaps to mask out strong feelings of inadequacy and a hurt ego)
  2. Frigorific: A cold, chilling effect as in ‘chilling to the bone’.
  3. Callipygian: A woman with shapely buttocks.
  4. Jirble: to pour carelessly.
  5. Ludibrious: Totally ridiculous.

I conclude: Why clutter up language with a never-ending stream of new terms, when its so easy and minimalist to recycle older (perhaps obsolete)words? Makes descriptions quainter, as well.