Swapan Khanna
The Coffeelicious
Published in
5 min readJul 13, 2015


From a father to his son

Part in jest, but just part. Perhaps when he is old enough, over the years, he will nod and smile a few times.

A. Noun should trump the verb as long as it can. Abandon. Do things with utter, complete and limitless abandon. It may be time to abandon them when you no longer can.

B. You will always be put into one, slotted into one. Boxes. It is inevitable. The world uses boxes because everyone needs to be categorised. It’s the price we’ve had to pay for our perceived need to better understand human behaviour in the time of predictive analysis. As long as you know and understand that they don’t define you, you should be okay.

C. No, it is not imperative for you to learn to Code. Go for it, by all means, if it excites you. If it doesn’t, don’t. The world has and will likely continue to have enough and more good ones around.

D. You will always need some. Discipline. Even when doing things with abandon. Most pursuits require a disciplined honing of skills. Even artistic ones. You begin to get those, all too important, subtle nuances just right, smack in the middle of the smallest circle only after you’ve persistently shot not a few darts all over the dartboard. Discipline is the enabler, the enforcer for persistence.

E. Whatever you lack in skills, try to make up with a truckload of Enthusiasm. You will find people with skills to complement yours appear out of thin air. Well, not really. But yeah, most times you’d find enthusiasm proving to be the difference between Christopher Nolan and the rest of the gang that tried their hand with the caped crusader.

F. Finance. No, I am not talking hedge funds. Though you could surely go down that rabbit hole if you wanted to. I’m just telling you to learn spending within your means. Save for a rainy day. Appreciate the magic of compounding. And be smart in your use of credit. It’s not rocket science. Never was. Never will be.

G. Find a patch. Of Grass. To walk bare feet on. Or even play on — Wimbledon style and not Woodstock! Because you might come across one that’s now being touted for its medicinal benefits as well. We’ll discuss that one face to face at an appropriate age and time. Till then steer clear.

H. Don’t use this one as a lame excuse for your doubt and uncertainty. Humility. You can be uncertain, hesitant and unsure — but that’s not really the corner this one resides in. You can’t call yourself humble when all you are is low on confidence. The real deal is when you can be modest and open to conflicting thoughts and opinions when you don’t need to. One wonders, though, if there is really ever a ‘you don’t need to’!

I love you, son!

J. There is never a Jam you can’t come out of. Always keep an open mind, apply yourself, look for ways out. Push yourself to your physical, mental and emotional limits and then some. If you still can’t — accept defeat graciously, carry your learnings and move on. And you are out.

K. When in doubt, be Kind. You can always be the alternative once clarity of doubt demands it. It is, however, not as easy the other way round.

L. Fall in Love but don’t force it. When it’s mutual, unconditional and effortless, it will blow your mind away. Try not to break a heart or get yours broken but in the event either happens, and chances are that it might, strive not to let guilt act as a weapon for or against you.

M. One is always required. A Medium. To reach out, to connect, to disseminate, to permeate. Enough said.

N. Don’t Nod when you want to shake your head from side to side. What inevitably follows is a pain in the neck!

O. Have one. Opinion. But take your time on the sidelines for a bit, assimilating information, views, data and experience. When veering towards one, challenge your own self. After that, make it one that’s well and truly yours. One that you stand for.

Pepper. Try not to overcoat your boiled eggs. They taste really good without as well. You are, however, entitled to your own opinion.

Q. This is your weapon against zombies and becoming one (will talk about that in a bit). Question. Use it often and your ability to wield it will become more effective. There is no shame in doubt. Be wary of cynicism, though. Having said that it’s probably better to be cynical than brain dead.

Rock, Paper, Scissor. You will sometimes be the victor, other times the vanquished. Keep that in mind and you might manage to avoid the futility of feeling either permanently invincible or utterly defenceless & defeated.

S. Everyone and everything you see has a Story. Sometimes you may be privy to them, most times not. Try not to judge.

T. Your family and friends. Your Tribe. The set of people that should matter most. Find them, fight to keep them, support them, cherish them. But remember, eventually all relationships are two-way streets.

UFOs. I haven’t seen any. But then I’ve never been out there looking for one.

Velocity. Speed and Direction, my boy. Speed and Direction. Step on it when your internal compass is clean and clear. Take it slow when not. There is no point finding you’re out of breath and yet back where you started. That’s called going around in circles. Waste of time and energy. Unless, of course, you are running. Just running.

W. Be a sucker for the unseen, for opportunities, possibilities and promise. Wander. Remember and cherish each of your escapades without comparing one with the other.

Keeping with tradition let this one be missing; the unknown variable!

Y. There are 365 days to a Year. But ask any parent and their kids were born yesterday. Though a major fan, I am not too sure if time travel will work. Time is a one-way street. Use it wisely.

Zombies. World war Z is well and truly underway. Millions are now walking the planet with their minds closed, their brains hostage to thoughts and actions of the latest frenzy in vogue. It’s easy to fall prey, so easy to feel minuscule and incapable of an original stimulus. There is only one way to prevent yourself from being infected. Fight the dogmas. Be a slayer.

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Swapan Khanna
The Coffeelicious

Hungry reader. Introvert writer. Runner. Amiable over a round of libations. Mostly can’t figure what the fuss is all about.