#MakeFuckGreatAgain! In defence of the F word.

Abheek Talukdar
The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2016

Why is the word fuck a taboo? Why does my mom cringe everytime I let it slip out in a moment of frustration during a conversation? Why did my professor use to pretend to not hear it and instead ask, “I’m sorry what did you just say?” in a threatening voice? Why do uptight people immediately judge you as being crass and coarse when you use an average of 4 fps (Fucks per Sentence)?

Why does it need to be bleeped out in talk shows and pop songs? Why do journalists think it’s a newsworthy event when an Oscar winner lets slip the word during his acceptance speech? Why do people stick to the ridiculous practice of typing it out like this- F**K? Why even bother using it, if you’re going to censor 50% of the letters in the word? I mean who are you trying to fool? Its apparent to everyone that you just referenced the F word. These days, even a kid knows that!

Is it because the literal meaning of the word is having sex? If so, I have another set of questions for you. Why do human beings insist on not speaking about things that are essential for the survival of the human race? How are children supposed to know what they need to do to carry on the family name? Why do human beings become such prudes when someone openly talks about fucking? Isn’t fucking a beautiful thing? Isn’t fucking the natural, god intended, way of things?

I think it is time we got over our collective aversion of the beautiful four letter word. Let us decide to stop this unjust discrimination against certain words. Fuck is a beautiful word! It is a word filled with such meaning! As a writer in love with words, there is no other word that I love more than Fuck. It rolls off your tongue so perfectly. Its sound adapts to whatever emotion you are feeling at the moment. It is a god among words, all-knowing, all-seeing and all-feeling.

I’m an introvert and we introverts tend to use words economically. We don’t just throw around words like the extroverts love doing, in their booming loud voices. We measure each word carefully before speaking. That is why I like the word fuck so much. With a single word I can convey just about anything I’m feeling. No wasting about of words or time.

Angry? - FUUUUCK!

Happy and Excited? -FUCK YEAH!

Sad? -fuck… *sniff* *sniff*

Afraid? -Oh fuck!”


Regret? - “Aah fuck”

Feel like talking in a British accent? -Fooking ’ell
(Admittedly, I have been watching a lot of Peaky Blinders lately. Its a great show and I love the adorable way they pronounce the word fuck.)

Maybe you aren’t a man who likes to use his words economically. Maybe you consider yourself to be an intellectual who likes to use a variety of words to convey emotions. Well, then I’ve got another argument for you- A recent study proves that shouting out the word FUCK for just fifteen seconds a day helps reduce stress. Researchers have found the benefits comparable to almost three hours of meditation. Who says shortcuts don’t exist!

Let’s all decide to #MakeFuckGreatAgain! I for one, am determined to start using an average of 6fps (Fucks per Sentence) for a whole month. That is my fucking promise to the fucking world! Get fucking ready for it, people!

I’ll fucking end my fucking argument by fucking pointing you to a fucking video about the fucking versatility of the fucking word Fuck. Fucking enjoy!

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Abheek Talukdar
The Coffeelicious

Aspiring Hipster | Self-styled cultural commentator for Millennials. Romantic to a fault. I see beauty even in a steaming pile of dung. Then I write about it.