Another Answer to Why Bad Things Happen to Good People

Keay Nigel
3 min readApr 27, 2016


“Why does this have to happen to me when I did nothing wrong?”

Have you ever asked yourself this question? When you’re faced with an unfavourable situation in life that you did nothing to deserve? But life just happened to you that way.

Well, recently I missed an important mail, which consequently caused the application which I have been putting my heart and soul into to come to a halt.

The delay is totally unnecessary, and it’s nobody fault, really. But nonetheless, I was feeling so frustrated, and somehow, wrongfully targeted.

Why is this bad thing happening to me right now? I asked myself. Life is just so unfair!

But then, I recalled the teachings of spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, who once said that nothing “bad” that happened is personal. The situation is just what it is.

Tolle added that describing the condition as bad, or putting any negative connotations, feelings, or using words like “betrayal” or “bad luck” isn’t gonna help. They make things worse by making you feel worse.

Instead, we should take whatever that has happened objectively: It’s an event. Period.

The situation may not be working according to our expectations or plans. It may not be how we’d like it to be. It may even be the direct opposite of what we wished for. But that doesn’t make it “bad.” We don’t have to call it or explain it that way.

I know, I know, it’s difficult to not view an adverse, negative circumstance as it is — cancer, bullying, house on fire, breakup, lost wallet… you name it.

But I have come to see that being all upset about the situation ain’t gonna help at all. Negative feelings only lead to more negative feelings. Negative thoughts only attract worse imaginations in your head that aren’t even real.

It’s an event. Period.

So drop that word from your dictionary right now. Things ain’t “bad” — they are what they are. Deal with them with a more neutral outlook, and you will see and feel a difference.

Another thing that I’ve come to realise, is that a tough decision or a difficult situation in life is actually a test, and its purpose is to prepare you for what’s more to come in life.

If you pass it, you move on, and you get to enjoy certain things that you previously do not get to enjoy. Sound good?

But after you move on, you’ll also realise that it’s not the end.

To experience more and to go further, you’ll have to undergo even more tests, which will ask more from you. They would probably be much more challenging, demanding, frustrating and exhausting than whatever you have already gone through.

Yes, there will always be times in life where we are challenged to make bigger, risker choices, or to handle what we thought to be virtually impossible to come out alive of.

But, you know what they say: God will not give you more than you can bear.

I believe that the current situation that I’m facing, and whatever that you’re facing, is actually more manageable than we think. But it’s the doubts in our head and the fears in our heart that make us go, OMFG I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE.

If you aren’t ready to pass this current test you’re facing, what makes you think that you’ll be able to handle the bigger, scarier tests that the future has, and the enormously great rewards that life/God/the Universe has in store for you?

If you want more in life, you’ll have to go through the steps.

And while you’re at it, choose to be more objective. Take on a more neutral outlook. Stop focusing on the “bad-ness” of things. And you’ll be able to see more opportunities instead of the limitations.

Like they say, when life gives you lemons…

… make lemonade.



Keay Nigel

Keay Nigel is also on Huffpost, BuzzFeed, EliteDaily & Thought Catalog // IG: @keaynigel