Apathy. Indifference. Lack of Compassion.

Saakshi Naidu
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2017

These words, and what they have come to mean, are what will destroy our World.

Let me tell you a story. There’s a lake near my Home, and I often use the trail around it to burn some calories. On one such day, I noticed a few ducks swimming in the lake. It was a beautiful sight. I finished half a round, and saw 3 guys throwing stones at the ducks, forcing them to change direction/fly away. Aiming and throwing stones, laughing when it hit one of the ducks.

After a couple of minutes, (where I hoped they’d stop and they did not), I went to ask them to you know, STOP! But they said, “Why do you care?”

“Why do you care?”

This question is what I believe will be the downfall of us, the Human race.

Someone just died in a gun-shooting? Glad it was not you! Why do you care?

You screamed at your Employee because the results are not fast enough? He might be having health issues or problems at home but duh, why do you care?

Someone left the tap open, or the lights are on for no reason? Why do you care?

There was no rainfall in your region or people are dying of hunger? Floods, deserts, epidemics, terrorism, politics, wars — why do you care? We hear bad news, and it is forgotten in minutes, not even hours! We weren’t immediately affected? Great, let’s move on!

I believe we must care.

Why did I care about the ducks getting hit? I cared because the ducks were harmless. The ducks were doing nothing wrong. The ducks were existing, minding their own business, and just hoping to enjoy a day maybe? But more than this, the guys had no right to hurt them, and enjoy their discomfort. What they were doing was wrong.

I care about people dying, and my friends getting hurt. I close all taps and switch off lights, like a maniac sometimes. Can I do something to magically solve all problems of this World? I know I cannot. Nobody can. What I can do, and I think you can too, is care about the life, the trees, animals, birds, humans, environment, things around you, and do whatever you can to protect them.

Apathy, lack of compassion and indifference are diseases that are fast becoming epidemics. Protect yourself against this deadly disease, because this one will take us all down — in one shot.

