Are You Wasting Time or Moving Forward?

Christopher D. Connors
The Coffeelicious
4 min readAug 9, 2016


One of life’s unmistakable teaching points is that we must learn from our mistakes by applying the lessons we have learned, along the way, to improve as individuals. The way to improve is to make mental notes, put things in writing, and verbalize our plans for action by declaring them to ourselves, and, sometimes, others.

We can use the power of our imagination to lock in an actionable, self-improvement solution to ensure that we don’t make the same mistake again. Once we commit this to our memory, in addition to putting it in writing, we will be able to refer back to it in times of temptation and worry. Then, it’s all about living it out in reality.

Think of all the times when you’ve done something wrong and how you’ve previously responded. Look at that previous state, versus what an actionable, virtuous state can look like and identify what it will take to get there. You can use the old you- how you used to react, as a reference point.

You’ll find that you will be able to correct course in the future to ensure you live in greater happiness and with richer purpose.

The Dilemma of Wasted Time

When I look back at the time I wasted in my life, it still bothers me if I let it get the better of me. I think of the foolish energy spent trying to relive the past in old relationships that were no longer meant to be.

Even though I learned earlier in my life to let bygones be bygones, I simply had not grounded myself well enough in the discipline of allowing my intuition- my inner compass- to steer me away from something that just wasn’t right.

The answer was right in front of me, yet I was blind to see that reuniting with an old flame or friend would only produce pain if rekindled. It took me years of my life, at various different times, to come to grips with letting past girlfriends go.

I know in my heart some of this was because I had such a great capacity to love. I truly hated to see others hurt. I thought so much of the redemptive qualities God endowed me with that I believed I could turn things around and make everything right again.

I started to turn the corner by letting go of certain memories and experiences that tugged at the strings of my heart. It’s never easy to say goodbye or let go, after all, we’re emotional creatures who don’t like to see others who we’ve cared about experience pain and hurt.

We don’t like closing chapters of our lives where strong emotional feelings have been present. Part of this is a fear of the unknown. Part of it is simply a resistance to change.

Moving Forward

When you find yourself in one of these situations, realize the most compassionate way forward is to let someone know you care about them and let them go.

If you’re meant to reunite, you will undoubtedly find a way to make that happen.

In order to move forward, we need to imagine blue skies and sunshine ahead when all we see in the present are dark, grey clouds. Imagination helps us realize greater times await us. The future is offering us even more pleasant emotions that will help carry us to new heights of happiness and satisfaction.

The decision, or initiative, to move forward must be acted upon when we know it is time. Through our personal experiences and the lessons we have learned, we will know it is time to move forward from a situation. Once we’ve realistically assessed our contentment and purpose- in progressing with the person or activity we’re holding onto- we will be able to discern right from wrong.

The emotionally intelligent mind is one that desires to proceed without hurting oneself or one another, all while realizing these conditions and times are unavoidable. We’ll find that the more prepared our mind is to keep soldiering on with a positive attitude and a willpower strengthened from these experiences, the more we’ll be open to new ideas.

We will welcome freshness of thought and mental clarity which will enable us to better see our present and future.

Over Time

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