Between lost & found

Khouloud Safie El Dine
The Coffeelicious
Published in
7 min readApr 12, 2015


In the search of inner peace !

To all the beautiful people who seek to genuinely love themselves and live the life their souls truly want.

Peace of mind, inner peace, serenity, calmness, or whatever its description, it’s not about being in a place where there is no noise, stress, disturbance, crowd, mess, loud voices, or even screams, it’s about being in the midst of all of those things but feel peace and calm in your heart.

The way to find your inner peace begins by finding your INNER SELF, it’s not talking about your roles or social identities, you can be a friend, father, manager, super star, employee, or whatever you do in your life but these are just an aspect of you but don’t define who you really are! Your inner self is who you really are from deep inside. Knowing your inner self needs a high level of self-awareness, introspection, self-love, a level of reading your mind, knowing your soul, listening to the voice inside you, it’s a long journey with yourself, your soul, it never comes in a glimpse.

Because everyone is unique, our souls are like our fingerprints, never similar to others. I’m a student at my college, a daughter to my parents, a sister to my brother, a friend to my friends, but that don’t define the real me or if I’m happy from inside or contended by myself. The word HAPPY when it comes to real happiness or such truly joyful it’s the happiness and pleasure of your soul. Souls are never related to age and wrinkles, age is just a number by which we precise how many years we lived, but we can’t measure happiness and contentment by age, it’s measured by how many times you felt the inner peace, this feeling of calmness, serenity and satisfaction of your whole life even when there’s scars and downs that you’re facing in your life.

Do you know those people who live in the routine of life going to work, praying to God, being a father, a teacher, sleeping, eating, but they never thought of their souls!! I think those are living dead creatures (known as zombies :D), oh, really they are living by their bodies, physically living but dead souls, they never awakened their soul or thought about being really happy, they never thought out of the box of routine and daily life and doing something that feeds their souls and makes them feel happy from inside and lead them to serenity and inner peace.

This guy out there, do you know him? I know him, he just lived his life, went out, had girlfriends, oh yeah many girlfriends, if you ask me had he done sins and enjoyed his life to the max? I will answer you YES he tried his best to feel happy even by sins but now, does he feel satisfaction? Happy now? NOOO! He lived as a body but never tasted the beauty of inner happiness, although he was helpful and helped all people but never helped himself or found the real HIM. He doesn't know the real one inside this body, what does this real one want. He had an old soul who got lost between fake, tricky appearance and the real happiness, he had been exhausted and lost every hope in life, and so felt the pain of living with rugged, rough, lumpy, bumpy spirit, full of wrinkles although he’s a young man!

Have you tried before liberating yourself, leaving it to do whatever it wants out of the box, out of limits, and borders? It’s the real meaning of being FREE! No limits to your soul, no boundaries, no fuckin’ thoughts of society and people talk.. (FREEALIZE) Set free the child inside you, set free the soul inside you.. By dancing, playing, singing, or whatever you want, where you want, when you want.. Even for just only a second of exorcise from every limit and border.

I’m not talking about an imaginary life, and oh yeah there isn't any problems or difficulties that faces and puts you here like you are useless and have no choice and no solution, but you have to face difficulties, live the depression but give its time and end it as quick as possible, but don’t make it a state of life, a fettle that you live in, I can imagine our life like a blank white page where is a hole or a black point in the middle, when you are in the happy side(the white one) you know that there is a dark side that will come, you know that life should give you difficulties to feel the taste of happiness in the white side of the page but when you’re in the hole you never see the white beautiful page, you only see DARKNESS, DEPRESSION, the BLACK HOLE, the DIFFICULTY of the situation.

To face, to confront your difficulties and problems, you need to know the real you, to be friend with your soul, to listen to this voice coming from deep inside you, to know what do you really want, what’s your ambitions to yourself, what’s your OWN value to you not to others, to see the beauty within you. I really believe and like the quote that says that you don’t have to be PERFECT TO BE BEAUTIFUL, you just need to be YOU to be Beautiful.

One day I thought that the idea that we measure and treat each others according to the physical beauty, the appearance, the body has vanished and that no one think with that stupid thoughts anymore, and to my astonishment and surprise, I found this sick minds around me, what made me think that everyone one of us may not know the people that surround us, if we define our way to treat others by physical beauty and appearance so we ignore each others.

The idea that lead me to the thought that INSIDE EVERY PERSON YOU KNOW, THERE’S ANOTHER ONE YOU DON’T KNOW, let’s say another beauty, soul full of ambitions, life, storms, everything that doesn't appear from the outside appearance but is felt between souls.

If only our eyes saw souls and the inner beauty of others from their eyes, instead of bodies how different our ideals of beauty would be!!


The way to know the real you, to feel the beauty within you, starts from exploring life, finding the beauty of the world that feeds our souls, and inspires us.

We forgot our nature, and that what made us overwhelmed, defeated, swallowed in the thunderstorm of life. Close your eyes, forget about buildings, crowded streets, traffic jams, bricks and borders we built to ourselves, and FEEL the beauty of the world around you.

Look at this tree in front of your house, Watch its stillness, with the wind blowing through its branches calmly, EMPOWER YOURSELF BY THE POWER OF THE WORLD.

Enjoy the moment, feel the world, close your eyes and feel the sound of the sea, the sand between your toes, the wind going through your hair, the seawater drizzle on your skin, fill your soul by the beauty of the world. Earn your power from thunder, sea storms, and winds. Feel free like birds flying in the blue sky. Feel the world inside you, fill your soul by the beauty in the world.

Give time to yourself, love the real you, see the beauty within you, know who you really are and what do you really want, that’s the way to inner peace, the quiescence of mind, and the condition to live a conscious life.

Finally, when I thought about writing this, it wasn't about inspiring you, motivating you to go through your life happily, because it’s not me that can do it, it’s just YOU, it’s a decision made by YOU for YOU, but this article is just a reminder for me and you, sometimes we forget the beauty within us and just see the dark side of everything, although life is full of beauty and power.

Thank you..

