My thoughts give me goosebumps

Comedy? For Real?

Peeping inside an aspiring comedian’s head

Shashank Mehta
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2016


What is a joke? What makes us laugh? Is it something you never thought of? Is it something you never thought of like I did? Do we all laugh for the same reason? Do we all laugh?

Why do we like laughing? Why do I like making people laugh? Am I funny?

Is funny limited? Will I lose my funny someday? Is my funny everyone’s funny? Will funny today be funny tomorrow?

Is funny born? Or born with? Does it grow? Does it grow up? Does it die?

Can death be funny? Can I joke about death? Maybe dead bad people? Dead good people? Dead babies?

Or should we start with the more usual stuff? News? Religion? Gender? Regional stereotypes? Sex? Sex? Sex! Massage?

Would people get that joke? Would everyone relate to that experience? What if its funny only in my head? Is my head a weird place? Doesn’t everyone feel that water is better than paper?

Should I explain that? Where must one leave a joke? What part covered and what revealed? What’s the difference between erotica and nudity? Massage?

Is comedy my calling? Should I be doing it full time? How cool would it be to do comedy for a living? Am I doing this to look cool?

Does comedy even earn a living? How do I define ‘a living’? Only money? How much do comedy pros earn anyways? Do I have it in me to go pro? How does one become a pro?

There must be a shortcut right? Is comedy also like everything else? Does one get better only with practice? But what’s practice got to do with a good joke? Delivery? How important is delivery? It’s everything? But then how important is the joke? It’s everything too?

Is this a joke?

Forget it — aren’t there too many people trying already? And aren’t all of them doing this full time? How will my few hours a week cut it?

But, how can I just give up on this? Shouldn’t I just go and get an internship somewhere? Should I study comedy, like a subject? Have I ever studied anything, like a subject? Should I carve out a niche? Only corporate comedy, maybe? Online videos, maybe? Corporate comedy online videos, maybe? A drink, maybe?

Ok this shit is getting dark. Who gives a fuck anyways?

Aren’t there bigger things to worry about? Like climate change? Or the Republican candidate? The refugee crisis? R2D2? Aren’t all these linked somehow? Am I going insane? Am I really not the centre of the universe? Is that how Trump also feels about himself? What does that say about me?

Knife or blade?




Shashank Mehta
The Coffeelicious

Fat kid. Fit adult. Writes about Health. Busy rebuilding the worlds trust in its food.