Compass vs. Map

navigating the landscapes of life

Jared Janes
The Coffeelicious


In the past I would often find myself crafting mental maps to navigate the challenges in my life. Whether it was writing a blog post, learning a skill or even building a business; I found myself obsessing about the obstacles that I thought would be part of the process. But with every success that I put little effort in to, and every failure that I analyzed to death; something became more and more clear.

Most problems worth solving in life are insanely complex, and no matter how smart you are, you will rarely account for every variable.

While doing research and gaining experience has helped me solve problems as they come up, I’ve found that worrying about them before they arrive isn’t the best use of my energy. Now, when I’m exploring uncharted territory, I leave my map behind and rely on my compass. It always points to the destination, and lets me concentrate on the obstacles in front of me, instead of the ones that may or may not actually be on the map.

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Jared Janes
The Coffeelicious

Weaving eclectic interests together to promote human development.