© monica march

[dark side]

monica march
The Coffeelicious


Everyone has. They do not usually scare us, but they are always there, walking by our side. The shadows.

At some point in our life, it seems they will take over and become monsters that inhabit our most secret corners. We turn on the lights in the hope that this will cause the fear to go away.

But light up is not always the answer. Often that just makes them even stronger. A matter of angle, who knows? Or maybe it’s just the kind of wisdom that tells us that choosing to stay in the dark for a while gives us the chance to weaken the shadows.

Once they get used to it the eyes start to see better in the darkness. All our senses sharpen. We listen, smell and feel more intensely. We can explore thoughts, dreams, understand nightmares.

The shadows get weaker. Because the moment we choose their battlefield we become equal in strength.

As when plunging into deep water, knowing what our shadows carry frees us to accept that everything has its dark side. And that the best strategy of combat is to know it.

Turn off the lights.


[This is an English version from the original article > [lado negro]


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monica march
The Coffeelicious

ando descalça pela vida • editora do a panaceia ••• i walk barefoot through life • editor of her view